Nowadays the price of lively needs is increasing rapidly. Many people could not afford the best for their life and also for their family life. The economic conditions influences in many apects, many people are jobless, nothing they could do to earn money and feed their family.
In order to increase the prosperity of citizens one of the ways that can be done is by emporing them to create their own income. They have to create their own work not only depends on working in goverment.
One of the ways to empower ànd increase income of people can be done by doing homebased business. One of them is crocheting. Crocheting is an easy way to do, and can earn some money. All you need in doing crocheting are some yarns, crochet hook and accesories, and of course a brilliant idea to work on the project and producing product.
One of crochet products is shown in the following picture.
This crocheted bag needed 2-3 cones of yarns, bag handle, and bag accessories. This bag can be accomplished during one week.
This bag was sold Rp.300.000. It is so worthed to do. At the same time we can do what we love and we love what we do and also we can afford for some money.
Crocheting can be done anywhere anytime, we dont have to leave our home and toddler we might have to find a job. And if incase we must go to somewhere else, just bring the project with us and we can continue crocheting anywhere anytime.
In my suggestion, put this in your consideration to do this homebased business.. do crochet and sell the produt. You dont have to build or rent building for your store to sell the products. On this digital era we can sell them anytime to anywhere by only using our finger. Yes.. of course we can sell it through social media.
But if you really do not have any passion to do this crocheting work, you dont might have time, and still you really want to have one, just leave your comments.