We pray and we are buying time.

in cross •  8 days ago 


It is important that we dedicate time to prayer, that we seek God with wisdom, God has the capacity and the power to achieve much more than we can achieve with our own strength.

I remembered the days of old;
I meditated on all your works;
I pondered the works of your hands.
6 I stretched out my hands to you,
My soul to you as the thirsty land. Selah
7 Answer me quickly, O Lord, for my spirit is faint;
Do not hide your face from me,
Let me not be like those who go down to the pit.
8 Let me hear your loving-kindness in the morning,
For I have trusted in you;
Make me know the way I should go,
For I have lifted up my soul to you.
9 Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord;
In you I take refuge.
10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God;
Your good spirit guides me to the land of uprightness.
11 For your name's sake, O Lord, you will revive me;
In your righteousness you will rescue my soul from its anguish.
12 And in your loving-kindness you will scatter my enemies,
And you will destroy all the adversaries of my soul,
For I am your servant.

Psalm 143:5-12

A very important question When you start the day, what is the first thing you think about? We can wake up focused on a situation that worries us, on work or on anything else, or on the Lord. It is very important to start the day with our eyes on the Lord, this will allow us to have a greater and better relationship with Him and allows us to save a lot of time.
Day by day we feel the pressure of the world and we come to think that because of everything we do we do not have time for God. After starting the day and taking certain steps we question why we are living in this or that way, why we are feeling dissatisfaction and confusion, even when our greatest desire is to follow God, we lose track of time, this is simply a consequence of not stopping to listen to the instructions of the Lord.
Although this may not seem to be a problem but part of human logic since sometimes we think that praying and reading the word will result in a loss of time or decreased productivity. But this is a sign of wisdom since we are seeking God's direction. Is there anything wiser than this? We have full confidence and security that God will achieve more through us than we can achieve with our own strength. In all these situations God will give us the wisdom and ability to make the best decisions and His word also says that He will increase our strength like that of the buffalo and will free us from all that feeling that makes us think that we are wasting time.

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

When we decide for the Lord, when we dedicate time to Him, He simply gives us peace and full joy, at the same time He guides us wisely, the Holy Spirit fills us with power and authority to continue walking through the Word and all of this translates into greater productivity, this also significantly increases our love for Him as a result.
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