I was introduced to Royaltie back in early May. At first I seemed pretty skeptical of the entire situation. “A device that sends a message to my phone in a notification, is this legal? Is this spam? Is this device taking my information? How would this benefit me? How many people actually have there Bluetooth and location on? How many people actually own and android ?” Boy, oh boy did I have so many questions. I had to wait and really study this, the company, the way the device works and so on. It was for sure a who, what, where, when, and why scenario. Not just for getting into something like this, but wanting to know what I was getting myself into before I joined. If I am going to introduce others and get them involved I want to make sure that my word is a good one. It not just the company and their reputation, but my own. After almost a month of getting my research in about everything, looking at the way everything works, how is transmitted and what I wanted to do. I got news that there was going to be a price increase and that a brand new comp plan. I decided to give it a shot.
I right away found 3 people I knew would enjoy this as well, I wanted to get my gems at no charge each month and wanted to get people on board before it blows up and everyone has them. Now of course they no longer have it as you need to get 3 members. It’s great because now it’s all by team revenue if you bring in only one person, but they bring is several you can benefit over this as well as your wonderful team members.
So I’m sure you’re still wondering, is Royaltie gem a scam? I signed up back in May 2017. Now this was probably the worst time ever to sign up. New company, affiliates blew up from 200 to well over 8,000 by the end of May. They had backlog on shipping, emails backed up, lacked in customer support, took weeks before getting the devices some even 6 weeks to 2 months. I mean, I was starting to lose faith but knew that with new companies it will take time, It always does. I stuck it out, watching so many people walk away from this opportunity, giving up so fast. I can understand when you are investing into a company that you are expecting to have a good outcome, especially something like this. You want results most of the time almost instantly, but we have to face the facts that when does anything in technology ever just come out 100% right?
So on that note, luckily, I was not part of the super crazy wait time; although it did take 3 weeks before I got my devices, they did come. That was a good sign, product in hand means that it’s not a scam right? Now.. The next real thing was, are they going to pay? How will they pay us? I had reached my very first goal of 300$ in team revenue, yay, I was so excited my first payment was to be 120$. I’m anxiously waiting for July 15th to come when a webinar came out saying there was a delay in pay due to it being the weekend. Monday evening, ruffly 6pm, I got an email saying you were just sent 120$ to your paypal!!! How exciting, I go to my account and sure enough there it was! Woo Hoo! Thank you Justin for being true to your company.
So is Royaltie a scam? Absolutely not. I’ve got my devices, I have been paid, and I am moving on up in the pay scale of the company! My team is doing great getting plenty of eyes on their businesses and not only that but they are also getting paid!
Personal rating of Royaltie. I’d have to say a 4.5 of 5 overall through experience from the beginning being ruff.. But they have increased there support, changed there entire crm operation system, making things so much smoother all the way down to there shipping of the devices getting to 1 or 2 weeks time now they are using FedEx. Please feel free to join me with great team of supportive members. Check out my wonderful landing page here, if you looking for a page to get leads and be able to follow up with your potential clients you can also signup here place in your email, don’t worry it won’t spam you, it’s just so we can connect in the near future.