Have you ever driven the wrong way on a one way street purposefully?

in crowdini •  6 years ago 

Crowdini Results

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Have you ever driven the wrong way on a one way street purposefully?

No (68%)

Yes (31%)

Note: We give all voters the option to answer “Why did you choose this answer?” after voting. All comments made at Crowdini.com are shown below as comments to this post. I hope you will respond and debate these results in the comments.

Current Game

  • Game: Salad
  • Length: Nov 05, 2018 - Nov 18, 2018
  • Prize Pool: 25.0 SBD
  • Points: Percentage System (see How to )
  • Referrals: 5 points for each of the referrer and referred players. Max 25 points (see How to for what is needed to get a referral)
  • Bonus: 100 points. If a question is labeled Bonus the players who choose the answer that actually happens will earn an extra 100 points.
  • Prizes: (All prizes paid in SBD)
    • First Prize - 50% of the prize pool
    • Second Prize - 20% of the prize pool
    • Third Prize - 10% of the prize pool
    • 100% Participation Prize - 20% of the prize pool split between:
      • All players who voted in every question in the game and upvoted all results posts on Steemit for the game within the first 24 hours of the post publishing.
      • If this is your first game you will be eligible if you vote in every question from the day you sign up to the end of the game and have upvoted all the results posts on Steemit starting from the day you joined.
      • First, Second and Third place winners not eligible for 100% Prize.

What is Crowdini?

Crowdini is a question and answer game. We ask you to answer one question a day and give you points based on how your answer compares to the majority answer.

We have incorporated Steemit in a new innovative way. Read more about Crowdini and how we have incorporated Steemit in our intro post here.

At the end of the game the top 3 in points split most of the prize pool (See above for actual %). The remainder of the prize pool, the 100% Prize, is split between all players who answered all the game's questions and upvoted all the game's Steemit results posts.

It is designed to be something you can do in a few seconds a day but hopefully sparks conversation and thought.

Sign up and play today at Crowdini.com .

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I answered

Because I do it .

I answered

By accident however....

I answered

No because i dont drive often so maybe that's why it didnt happen , besides that it is illegal and why would anyone admit it

I answered

I’m a good boy :)

I answered

Because I don´t have a driver license

I answered


I answered

Accidentally, yes...but not for long!

I answered

why would one do that? I did once see someone driving the wrong way on a highway though at 2 in the morning. It was very confusing

I answered

Accidentally yes, purposely no.

I answered

Ich bin ja nicht verrückt. Nur nach vorne nie zurück

I answered

There are no one way streets on this island

I answered

Yes, I have driven at one way at during night hours. In my country India some rules are too be followed only during day time so we are free to travel during night time anywhere and i need to fill a petrol in my bike. So there was only one pump on the one way mark open during night time. So need to be travel on wrong way.

I answered

Middle of the night + being lost = no one way streets any longer. A girls gotta get where she needs to be.

I answered

Downed tree on one end because of Sandy - no other option to get out of my street!

I answered

Mein Navi hat mir gesagt, ich sollte rechts abbiegen und bin abgebogen, bis mir ein Auto entgegenkam und mich aufmerksam gemacht hat, das dies eine Einbahnstraße ist. Da es aber eine neue Straße gewesen war zu dem Zeitpunkt, kannte das mein Navi noch nicht. 😅

I answered

Because there was construction and a few cops were directing people on it.

I answered

Funny enough only ever on purpose and not on accident.

I answered

Can't remember a specific time but I'm sure it's happened. I drive the wrong way in parking lots every now and then too.

I answered


I answered

When I lived in Philly, it was a requirement to get around

I answered

Got the $180 moving violation to prove it too.