in crstiano •  5 years ago  (edited)

Christian community of @Steemit, Happiness is a goal that we all want to reach, but we all have different ideas about what is and how to achieve it. It is easy to think of happiness as a result, but being happy and feeling good should also be a way, since it is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While it is true that sometimes, circumstances may not be the most favorable to feel good, however, there are certain actions that we can put into practice to improve our emotional attitude to life.

At least 2 out of 10 people feel fully happy, there are many actions that depend only on you and that you can do TODAY to improve your attitude and satisfaction with life. We can also convert these actions into daily habits, so almost without realizing we become a happy and joyful person in a natural way.
But, before telling you what these small actions are about, it is important to explain the true definition of happiness

Happiness is a complex and difficult word to define, especially since the path to happiness is different for each one of us, because it adapts to each person's style.
As for example, I am not one of the people who believe that happiness is based on God and therefore I took on the task of investigating the subject in depth.

It is true that some of the factors that affect happiness may be beyond our control (such as genetics or certain circumstances). But there are always actions that we can take from this moment to amplify our good feelings.

The psychotherapist Iñaki Bilbao Macías, expert in the subject, says that happiness consists of taking small decisions every day, which translate into actions to live happier.

Happiness is based on taking daily decisions that translate into actions to live happier, this can also be assumed by the values ​​and personal goals that each one proposes, although there will be moments that you can not feel good; because there are factors such as weather, particular dates or actions of others that may affect your emotional tranquility and can take you away from happiness.

The actions that can lead to happiness, mainly based on focusing on God, supports your actions. In my case, God at my side in all the events of my life, because I have been the one who wants to open wide the doors of my being to Christ, as the Pope advises us. And if things go well, I know it's a gift from God, which I should thank (how well we know that our children are a wonderful gift from God!).

If things do not go well, I try not to lose my peace and remember that it gives me a great opportunity to demonstrate with works my detachment from the false paradise of comfort, in which sometimes you want to immerse yourself; or to show that I love the people around me (it is very easy to love others when they do not need you or ask you for anything); or that the time has come to see if I really accept the will of God regarding my life; or I say as Saint Augustine before his conversion: "Lord, help me to live the virtues ... but, not now ...!"

Throughout my life I will go through ups and downs of work, economic and affective situations (I will probably see my parents die, I will grow old and the good health that I now have will not be maintained indefinitely), it would be absurd to put my hopes of happiness in these things .

Fortunately I am sure that God does not forget me. "Can a mother forget her son? Well, even if she forgets, I will not forget you," says the same God in the Bible. That gives me a happiness that nothing and nobody is able to take away.

Reflection: The way of life is woven of ups and downs, straight and curves, dirt and asphalt. But all that together is not able to influence those who have placed their happiness in the depths of their hearts. That is where God transforms into peace, satisfaction, authentic triumph, true happiness.

I am not happy to have things, neither to succeed socially, nor to enjoy so many things that enter the senses and that advertising presents us as indispensable sources of pleasure. I feel happy for something that is inside me, that I try to cultivate day by day: it is the presence of God in my way that makes me happy.

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