Rant: Quit'cha Bitchin'!steemCreated with Sketch.

in crybabies •  8 years ago 

It seems like the whining will never end. It seems like EVERY DAMN DAY, when I scan my feed I see moaning and crying about how sob it's not fair that the whales have all the money sniffle It's not FAIR that they vote the way they do! pout That's not the way I would do it if I was in charge!

Ok. Why aren't you in charge? I think to my self.

Stupid question. More than likely the whiners and the crybabies couldn't organize a bottle party in a brewery. They'd screw up a wet dream. I've seen it before my whole damn life. DamnYankees foul their nest up north, then come to Texas and whine That's not the way we did it back home

So go BACK home. Oh wait. I've been there. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But DAMN am I tempted.

Needless to say I'm disgusted with the crybabies. I wish that they'd just get off their dead ass and go to work. Ignorant fools. Steemit is unique as far as I know. It provides the opportunity to turn sweat equity in to cash.

A long time ago. Possibly when the whiners were still wearing diapers and peeing on themselves.( oh wait..they're still doing that aren't they?) I discovered the internet. In the early eighties and beyond it began to grow. Absent any government interference or significant regulation it sprouted like kudzu in the south. The internet is a phenomena such as the world has never seen before. It's provided unimaginable opportunities for everyone on the planet.

Back in the day. I began a blog. I was driving a truck back then so I named it Mickey's Heavy Haul. I wrote 378 Posts. It had 20,561 pages views and I didn't make a dime. I did it because I wanted to. I made my last post on it in Nov 2013 when I discovered Social Media.

FaceBook. I was on FaceBook before then, for quiet a few years in fact. But I began to concentrate on it more and more, and eventualy I just gave up on the blog. I currently have over 500 'friends' and about 300 'followers' (whatever the hell THAT means). I enjoyed the 'debates' and spent a LOT of time on line. Actually they weren't debates so much as verbal knife fights (rules? we don't need no steenkin rulz).

Then Facebook began to get more and more Fascist and I got less and less interested in putting up with their silly nonsense. A month or so ago I found Steemit.

All the good of FaceBook and none of the bad...and what's more I got PAID.

During that time I've made over 1200 posts and comments, over two hundred people 'follow' my blog, and I follow over six hundred my self. My feed has a lot of interesting 'stuff'.

Which brings me back to what I'm ranting about. The crybaby whiners.


We're getting PAID. Maybe not a lot but some. If we get anything at all that's more than we get anywhere else.

Slightly over a month ago, when I signed on, I was given $3 Steem. Since then I've grown my wallet to over $945. Just for doing what I've been doing for a LOT of years for FREE.

You whiners, crybabies and momma's boys get no sympathy from me. If an old broke down retired trucker can make money on Steemit ....anyone can.

Not a lot, but some....and it's a hell of a lot more than NOTHING.


On second thought...don't. No censorship on Steem. Continue to whine and complain. By doing so you identify yourself to me. By crying and whining you proclaim that you don't have anything to say that I want to hear.

I've got a MUTE button and I'm not afraid to use it.

So go ahead...make my day.

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Steem On!
Me Happy To B Alive!

You wrote my post for me that I've been holding back for as long as I can. Thank you.
Maybe we could start a new tag called whiners and they could all post to each other there. Steem on buddy.


Well said. haha. Made me laugh. :)


You said what I was thinking and you made me laugh. I've been posting my thoughts and pictures for years and never made a dime. Now from of the steem dollars given me when I joined this site, in a months time, I have made $500 and put this into steempower for long term investment. If there is no long term, I am out nothing except the time I spent chatting and blogging, which I was doing for free anyways. Love Texans, the real ones that still think Texas should be independent and the Federal Government can go to hell.

Thank you.
There's getting to be more and more of us that feel that way

Power is difficult to give up once one has it....

Well said.

If someone wants to make a better platform and pay me more for my posts they have that option, but if they would rather have someone else do all the work and just whine, I'm not interested.

Even my one year old knows better than to whine.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes, Shame and Double Shame on all those shitty, stupid people who came here based on SteemIt's marketing materials and hype expecting:

  1. Uncensored, Decentralized -Blogging
  2. To Earn
  3. That real people actually read your work instead of a bot-filled world of voting chain bots.
  4. Didn't expect to compete with sock-puppets and multiple personalities.

Shame on those stupid bitchy people. Especially the ones who invested money.

F*** them.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey @whatsup, I have no sides in this quarrel because all of this talk is about personal views, that is reality as it is....reality is only personal view, no one is able to see beyond personal view and if they say they can see beyond their conditioning, they are a Buddha.

My personal opinion on this platform is...
Now saying that and establishing my stance...

Uncensored, Decentralized-blogging is for the darknet, it will never fly in daylight.

People are earning, but crypto-currency is going to depend on the market, and crypto-currency is known to be a risky venture to say the least. All crypto-currencies are down right now except two, bitcoin and another one, I can't remember its name.

I can see bots playing a part, but if this place is going to fly on creativity power, bots will kill it if they are in control of who is creative and who is not...

Sockpuppets and multiple accounts will have to be addressed if this place wants to be a long term success. Because people will leave if there isn't a level playing field. Anyone who has been on social boards for any length of time knows trolls and bots can kill their venture if not dealt with correctly. They will always be a part of society, just like parasites in the flesh world. We need to have a regular parasite removal program. I see the bots playing a part in this sites worming program.

Bitchy people are a bitch to deal with. Constructive arguments that lead to resolving problems are a skill that must be learned. Most people don't know how to argue constructively and just end up looking like a bitch even if their points are valid. Because of the nature of the society we live in right now, people want safety over freedom, they want other people to take care of their emotions and feelings. People want freedom but they seem to be unable to deal with their reaction to their own expectations of what freedom means to them and what freedom means to someone else.

Anyone who has risked money they can't afford to lose shouldn't be investing in crypto-currency.

My thoughts, Steem-on....this is my view in flesh-time and on the net because if you don't steem-on, you end up getting all smelly and rotten just sitting there.

Thank you for posting.
Principle...Stay and don't complain or Leave and don't complain.
Principle....To whisper a complaint is to shout your confusion.