The difference between Decryption and Cryptanalysis

in crypt •  3 years ago 


The difference between Decryption and Cryptanalysis
With encryption, comes decryption, which is the return of the encrypted context to the image of the initial content in its usual and publicly readable context before the encryption process, and this is done using the encryption key.

With the development of mathematics, computer and communication sciences, the process of encryption and decryption has become based on complex computational algorithms that are difficult to solve, and even if the process of cracking the code or solving these algorithms - without decoding them in the way they were prepared from the beginning - is theoretically available, it is not possible to do Through the known and currently existing information means, which is why the assumption of its security and confidentiality has been proven so far.

This is known as cryptanalysis and means the study of decoding cryptographic algorithms and their applications to obtain the content and source of information or encrypted assets without access to the key required to do so.

That is, we can shorten the difference between decryption and cryptanalysis to that decoding means returning the context of the encrypted code to its first state using the cipher key prepared from the beginning to re-translate these codes to what they were, while cryptanalysis is an attempt to decipher those codes By trial and error an incredible number of times to arrive at a cryptographic algorithm solution to translate the encrypted symbols and know the original context without knowing the key

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