God's plan for crypto-currencies

in crypto-currencies •  7 years ago  (edited)

The purse address for replenishment of your balance
The minimum is 0.001 BTC - 12EKdvNMRg9fpCBLYRCdYYqDPpN4Jw3hpB
The minimum is 0.001 LTC - LTAmLbDUBNJVQLDnXBVpoYwsUZLxfeSZWi
Minimum 0.01 DASH - Xvb8ZDmo9Gzaz51fmQT3b4qDpEVcvvzdgW
Minimum 0.01 ETH - 0x893fcff260e3324d942b918df0390401810206a9
Minimum 0.01 WAVES - 3PNqfW1C4fZG1aFwFpufpNQxxz67Y1J5P71
Minimum 0.01 ZEC - t1ZsjQQTTSdEgTeoJufititKuxsA2gnwdgn
The minimum is 10 USDT - 1EuLJMwaoxJ665M8Vn4ZatVa366ey2kaWS
Minimum 0.1 XMR - 4Hm3YrYNgczRAP7jbGCZ7vA8XwbBR8DWMU7Bm9FKZqjxQXPPcwMP1kDbK3mtBSdt2c6TmLCPiMSXa39uBiEBwkg4FXGTMnobbdR16yDN1P
Minimum - 10 XRP - rUocf1ixKzTuEe34kmVhRvGqNCofY1NJzV
destination tag - 436941593

You can buy Bitcoin here https://exmo.com/?ref=290557
I helped a stranger and did not ask for thanks. I was dying in the shower, and people were passing by ...

download QR code of your BTC wallet https://cloud.mail.ru/public/9gMn/TaiQ8pzKm

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