Crypto Cap: High but Growing

in crypto-currency •  7 years ago 


Just want to take a moment to celebrate the monumental achievement cryptocurrency market cap has now surpassed.

  • Cryptocurrency market cap Nov 25, 17, 745am: 270 Billion
  • Cryptocurrency market cap Nov 26, 17, 11pm:
    305 Billion

Gold has a market cap of 7-8 trillion.
The bubble was about 4 trillion.

Where do we go from here?

Things are exploding but I think we have room to grow still. Very exciting next steps:

LTC $100
BTC 10,000
Dash $1,000
Ethereum $750

Im no expert so take this with a grain of salt but I am hopeful for these values are possible this year, possibly even this week!

I hope you are seeing green.

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