Crypto Currency Is More Powerful Than Any Drug

in crypto-mind •  7 years ago  (edited)

Crypto currency is more powerful than any drug. It has not yet been coined in the DSM (Bible for American Psychiatric Association). However, Crypto-mind is a real condition that will become more and more common as cryptographic asses that have been designed to go up in value start to gain in popularity over more traditional stores of value such as the US Dollar and other paper money which always depreciates in value, every year. 

While working at Safeway as a checker during the Monopoly promotion, me and my clerk friends would often meet customers who seemed to have unbalanced desire to collect game pieces and attempt to win both large and small prizes. They would beg for more Monopoly pieces than they earned with the purchase and ask other customers in line for their game pieces. The promotion fired up the part of the brain that is connected to addiction and made them, and their obsession annoying. I worked through two Monopoly seasons and nobody won anything who came through my line or in our store. It was unfounded and irrational excitement. We called it Monopoly-mind and started to hate those customers. When the game was over, everyone rejoiced. I imagine the customers with Monopoly-mind experienced a downward turn in their energy level and outlook on life. 

Monopoly-mind is a huge annoyance to Safeway cashiers. Crypto-mind is a huge annoyance to anyone who believes our monetary policy is working and should not change. Just like a fired-up customer looking for monopoly tickets in line at the grocery store, someone with crypto-mind will express interest in it everywhere they go, not just the grocery store. 

It will look just like a drug addiction to the untrained eye for the following reasons: 

They will spend all their money on it.

They will sell things to buy it.

They will talk about it constantly.

Despite no clear benefits to this behavior, it will continue, regardless of the consequences. This is just what drug addiction is like. The difference is that the drugs people buy get used up and will not increase in value. 

Crypto-mind is best defined as: A mental condition whereby an individual has become obsessed with reading about and/or investing in crypto currency like Bitcoin or other alternative coins (alt-coins) which will result in either huge financial losses or unheard of gains. These individuals are more susceptible to scams where the coin does not solve a problem or promises extraordinary gains using a technology that is new, hard to understand, and hard to verify, such as cloud-based crypto mining. The symptoms include having millions of coins that may never be worth anything and almost zero money in their checking accounting because they don’t believe in the currency issued by their country. They experience elevated moods that can swing wildly for no apparent reason. See 

The risks of crypto-mind include over-drafting at their local bank, loss of their private keys which can result in catastrophic financial loss, annoyance of anyone who pays an electric bill or who has a bank account, and the tendency to talk about robots who prefer digital currency over fiat currency. Crypto trading should not be mixed with other drugs since it will increase the likelihood of losing passwords and private keys that cannot be recovered.

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