RE: Prism By Shapeshift ROCKS! / Funfair Adds Bacarat + Craps / Etheroll Dividends! / China's Blockchain

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Prism By Shapeshift ROCKS! / Funfair Adds Bacarat + Craps / Etheroll Dividends! / China's Blockchain

in crypto-news •  8 years ago 

"Introducing $ETC's Phoenix Logo"

I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist so I couldn't help but notice this new logo and it instantly reminded me of the 1988 economist magazine cover which "predicted" a new world reserve currency would be reborn from the ashes of the dying fiat monetary system in 2018 in the form of none other then... a Phoenix.

The New Ethereum Classic (ETC) "Phoenix" Re-branding Reminds Me A Lot Of The 1988 Economist Magazine Cover "Get Ready For The Phoenix" Which Predicted A New World Reserve Currency In 2018 In The Form Of A "Phoenix"

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