[VIDEO] The Block Party - EP3: We Talk New Taxes Laws & How They Affect Your Crypto Trades

in crypto-news •  7 years ago 

The Block Party - EP3: We Talk New Taxes Laws & How They Affect Your Crypto Trades

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You guys are great! Thanks for keeping the work informed. You should do a show on the ladies of crypto (we are few in number and need to grow!).

Respect all the way!

Good point.. I will make sure to do! - upvoted!

These laws (not laws they are statutes created by rich people) only apply to persons (legal fiction) created with the birth certificate but more like a death certificate. We are all dead and lost at sea and have no rights as persons. When we use our name we become the person (government ID).
Check it out:

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

You just need to look.

We have all been deceived. We are human beings.

Respect to you Crypto blood, your the man, spread the word. Peace.

Real talk! - upvoted!

Crypto & tax just don't go together well! The whole point is to keep cryptocurrencies decentralized - meaning no government control, meaning no taxes!

Please Check out my latest post: "Tips to find the next Bitcoin" - https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@nzfxtrader/tips-to-help-you-find-the-next-bitcoin-ethereum-or-ripple