Why is Enigma Catalyst useful? The DIKW hiearchy explains why

in crypto-news •  7 years ago 

Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom

DIKW Pyramid
By Longlivetheux (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

In order to make wise trades (or wise decisions in general) an individual must have the capability to process the data. In the cryptospace there is a vast amount of unprocessed data, unorganized data, and as a result the decision makers in this space are for lack of a better analogy blind. If you are making decisions which involve resources such as money then you may not want to go with your gut and this means data driven decision making.

The DIKW is a hierarchy where we know starting with raw data we process that data. After data is processed it has meaning and value to be considered information. Information by itself doesn't tell us a lot but when information is pieced together by reasoning and logic we can gain knowledge.

After we have knowledge it is like having pieces to a puzzle and the big picture of that puzzle is wisdom. To make wise decisions (or wise trades) requires having an ability to take the raw data that exists anywhere and transform it into information, into knowledge, which converges ultimately as wisdom.

Enigma Catalyst is the first of it's kind. It is a data market place which is crucial in any decision making (not just investment decisions) and in addition because it's populated by quants, data scientists, etc, the quality of the data is encouraged. This ultimately can provide traders with the best information from which to make trading decisions and over time as patterns emerge there may be knowledge gained about how crypto-markets work.

Don't miss out and don't be blind

We know that decision making requires access good information. We know data is crucial to having good information. We know Enigma Catalyst is the first data market place and even if it is developed to appeal to investors, traders, etc, it is the data market place application which has revolutionary implications. I'm excited about Enigma not because I'm interested in algorithmic trading because I don't really like to day trade but I do like making increasingly better decisions as an individual. If Enigma can evolve into a decision support engine based on this data market concept then that is in my opinion the ultimate kind of utility.

I see Enigma Catalyst as a test case or proof of concept to show that data markets are real and will work in practical applications. If we can see a data market form for trading crypto tokens then we can of course then build on that to have data markets for all kinds of stuff and that is what I'm more excited about.


  1. http://www.enigma.co
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DIKW is mentioned in the ITIL Knowledge Management process.


Ooo Crypto!!!!!

Sounds interesting...but to be honest ...not easy to understand for me. I am photographer and not to much into trading with coins. Maybe I need something like "enigma-author-version" to help me to find the right decisions and best strategies for successful authoring on steemit.
I appologize if this is to much off topic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)