Electroneum just announced that Token sales will close early as they have reached their capital target...
Electroneum Token Sale Closing Early...
Hi Everyone!
We've nearly reached the $40m US dollars that we aimed to reach. We have raised $38m as of 16:00 BST. We have had over a quarter of a million users join the Electroneum Token Sale! It must be one of the largest tokens sales by user number in history - if not THE biggest. Bancor raised 140m+ on just 10,000 contributors. Tezos raised $240m on 22,000 contributors. We have more than 110,000 contributors who've made over 160,000 transactions from over 250,000 users who have registered on the token sale manager.
The Electroneum team have reconfirmed that there is going to be a hard cap at $40m US dollars.
Therefore the token sale will almost certainly be closing early, as soon as the value of the Bitcoin and Ethereum raised by the sale of Electroneum exceeds $40m US Dollars.