RE: [ANN - Pre-ICO] BlockPay - Zero Cost, digital currency Point-Of-Sale systems

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[ANN - Pre-ICO] BlockPay - Zero Cost, digital currency Point-Of-Sale systems

in crypto-news •  9 years ago  (edited)

If the OPENPOS function stays the same, I would expect that blockpay token holders will only be getting 50% of the income from the Oodoo terminals.

Since this will most likely be the biggest revenue stream for blockpay, why would someone buy blockpay vs OPENPOS? 1 OPENPOS token will earn nearly 200x the fee's that one blockpay token does (based on 500,000 OPENPOS tokens earning 50% of Oodoo fees Vs. 100,000,000 blockpays earning the other 50%). How does the blockpay token intend make up for this? There are still no details in how much the blockpay tokens will take from Oodoo, so their earnings value might even be less.

Right now it doesn't make any sense to trade OPENPOS for Blockpay.

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Odoo is one of the future income streams of BlockPay. There are hundreds of different Point-Of-Sales solution on the market like,, or just to name a few. We are talking to major supermarket chains in Germany, Netherlands, Israel, Canada, Sweden etc. who are very interested in our solution and they have thousands of stores, that run of big system from SAP and so on. Payment Service Providers (PSP) is a volume business. The biggest players pay only 0.0x% in transactions fees, even for Mastercard, but that is still enough to pump trillions through Walmart's cash registers and be profitable.

BlockPay will be integrated on the hardware, OEM level and added to hundred of thousands of stores worldwide. Please do not forget that BlockPay is just one out of many products from BitShares Munich. We have a full portfolio of products serving our customers need from mobile wallets to full integrated point of sales solutions, white label production, software​ development, consulting and more.

There are many good reasons to upgrade your tokens and to gain profits from the full product portfolio. Do you want to participate only in the iPad or in Apple?

Well that question is easy... if half the profit from an iPad sale wen't directly to ipad_share holders, each ipad_share would be much more valuable than that of the common apple stock. Your talking steady stream income vs capital appreciation.

There still hasn't been discussion on how blockpay will return value to shareholders... will it be a buyback? Dividend?

Unfortunately many people here just see a shiny new toy and want to trade there old one for it. They don't realize that what they have now is better in many ways than what they would be getting.

Yes, at the end we give people the choice. The old OPENPOS tokens will not lose their purpose. We are planning to offer a share in the rewards from BlockPay transactions as well as value increases from products built by the Company. We will share our profits with all BLOCKPAY Token holder in a similar style as OPENPOS.

Also, When do you think buybacks from profits will start for OPENPOS and Blockpay? I know there has been talk of a few companies coming on board. How far along is that?