WTF? Davos leaders say 'Don't call Bitcoin a Currency'steemCreated with Sketch.

in crypto-news •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's no surprise that cryptocurrency's a hot topic at the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland.

"The central banks have been nurturing the [financial] system for centuries... we've got a good thing going on," Nobel laureate Robert Shiller said at a debate about the cryptocurrency.

Sure, if by 'nurturing' he means market manipulation and futures spoofing. But while the globalists are busy getting their anti-Bitcoin licks in the rest of us out in the real world are busy investing, developing and trading with cryptocurrency. It's clear the global financial system is a ratsnest that benefits corrupt financiers and governments first over the any and all needs of the common people. So what are we meant to do?

A striking feature of financial service activities during the past few decades is that the financial transactions essential to the operation of the 'real' economy has become increasingly dwarfed by speculative activity. For some reason, the government views this speculation as 'dangerous.' Dangerous to the status quo, perhaps. Many people feel locked in a cage in the current paradigm so they are desperate to find solutions. I don't blame any of these people for choosing to act instead of laying down and dying.

It's my hope that the cypherpunk community stays resolute in our quest for privacy, security and freedom. If we aren't using blockchain technology to free the masses from oppressive centralized governance then in truth we are no better than the paid stooges who parade around in the media doing the bidding of their owners.

I see some dangerous precedents being set that could lead to greater government crackdown. If we continue to give ponzi schemes and outright scams oxygen then we give regulators more cause to enter our space. I don't want to see that, just yet, at least. This is why I tell anyone I speak to about crypto that you need to do your research and work on your discernment to avoid falling into a trap. There are traps everywhere, but that's the price of freedom.

Because financial danger could be lurking around every corner it's very important that you, me, and anyone else interested in this space band together and exchange information. We cannot allow insidious groups to take control of our attention and the best disinfectant is more sunlight, the more we talk things over the more we can learn about the space and avoid financial ruin.

Communication is the key to unlock our chains.


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Totally. All of us should band together and stay strong. This technology can revolutionize the way the economy works and we need to make sure that it doesn't become captured by central bankers.



Paper currencies mark the beginning of the end of all civilizations. Crypto's represent the potential of returning the power to the people and away from central banks, which is why the elites are so terrified of them. I actually made a video on how societies collapse due to paper money. You might wan t to check it out.