TAO'S STEEM ON DASH | Looking for a steady crypto investment? Try Dash!

in crypto-news •  9 years ago 

Dash maintains a steady rise throughout all volatility surrounding it.

Crypto can be a frustrating space to invest in. What cryptos should you choose? There are a lot of promises made, and little delivered. Pumps and dumps, taking your investment to the moon, only to dump and leave all of the newcomers holding the bag. It seems that making a quick buck is the only goal sometimes.


Most people's original investment, those who were here in 2013 will remember BTC's "tulip mania" rise. I was going nuts figuring I had the best investment ever, as I made $10,000 in a couple of weeks. The euphoria of Thanksgiving quickly turned into the agony of December as I and quite a few others got schooled in the realities of investing in cutting edge technologies. BTC is prone to big price swings based on news of the day, and while likely going the right direction long term, becomes frustrating with it's volatility from day to day.


Ethereum made quite a splash when it first came out as well, promising many technologies, and riding a wave of investments all the way to around $20, where it fizzled and also left many people holding bags. The DAO, which is based on Ethereum, definitely took a few twists and turns throughout the "valid smart contract" saga. I would not feel comfortable holding my money in that ecosystem for the short term either.

Bitcoin and Dash


Dash does not call attention to itself. It does not offer fancy ICOs, does not make outlandish promises, and does not have a mindset of making a quick buck.

What Dash does and does well is make a solid cryptocurrency. The goal for Evan Duffield and the rest of the Dash development team is to make digital cash. A perfect exchange tool that is private, secure and offers instant transactions, just like a face-to-face fiat money exchange.

This commitment to detail is getting noticed. Dash is starting to make steady gains throughout the turmoil in the crypto markets. I often observe when something negative happens in the crypto space, other currencies get hammered. Dash often holds its own through these bad times, and comes out the other side stronger then ever, often establishing a new higher floor.

The secret is getting out though. If you are looking for a solid crypto investment that you need not lose sleep over, you need to join us in Dash Nation. Why is Dash such a solid currency? That's a topic for my next blog!

For more info on Dash, visit these websites:

Follow me here or on Twitter for more Dash news and insight:

#DASH #DashNation #cryptocurrency #blockchain

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Thanks for posting g here. I am a dash fan. When will you have an iOS wallet? I think that will help immensely. I hear jaxx is making progress. I bought a little in my bittrex account while I wait for more wallets.

There is already an iOS wallet, Apple just won't approve it. Jaxx is scheduled to release soon, last I heard "next week". Btw, http://whatisdash.org/wallets/ might help.

Can you do a dash vs monero post? I think one of you will be successful but don't understand the differences yet.

Monero focuses only on being private. Dash wants to be digital cash for the world. Evolution (which I will be detailing later) will make crypto easy to use for casual users, something that isn't there right now.

That's right! We will have our App Store presence finally! #FingersCrossed

Thanks for posting. Dash is great, and we are only starting. Evan Duffield has some big plans and the community is simply awesome. Tech minded like BTC, but friendly like DOGE. It's a winning combo!

I like Dash. I have some but to be fair Bitcoin has been pretty stable lately.

Competition is always good for the whole movement :]

True, but I always ask myself when making an investment, what has the most growth potential. BTC at 600 or DASH at 10? Dash has never had a lull at development because we have the means to make crucial decisions through the Masternodes. We will never take years to make a single decision. Dash will accomplish much more this way. Thanks for the comment here!

Do you know if the Electrum wallet will be canned as it hasn't been updated since Jan and with Jaxx adding it I guess most people will use that?

The Electrum wallet is currently being developed to work with Trezor and Masternodes. It isn't going anywhere!

Dash is very fast and more private currency-wise, all while being historically slower moving up and down trading-wise. I've long been a fan, and believe it's a critical part of the cryptocurrency marketplace.

True words! Thanks for your opinion! I completely agree.

DASH is the leading crypo-coin on privacy protection.
I wonder if the DASH development team has heard of this new protocol that just came out: "Mimblewimble" ?
Could this be implemented in DASH?

Thanks for bringing that to my attention! I will mention that to the devs. That's the beauty of open-source!

Excelent document!! thanks !!!