crypto exchanges and customer service

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

something that has come to my attention while using a crypto exchange is the type of service I get. For example,, while being legitimate and efficient in trading, are real bad at delivering service. 

I believe that if a company wishes to serve the interest of it clients, that they deliver an efficient customer service. After all, we are all, mostly still, humans beings operating artificial intelligence of various levels and the practise of kindness in various ways, enhances our ability to respond to life situations. When someone delivers with bad service, it leaves a bad taste and leaves hurdles, some unsurpassable for others to negotiate. Apart from fair competition, good will and honesty works far better than neglect of the latter.

So why would I say this about this specific company? There turned out to be a simple glitch in their program, which they are unable to see themselves. To actually contact the service department, means taking a ticket and waiting a reply within 24hrs or more? There is no contact number nor is there a physical adress apart from a general area adress. One has to go onto their facebook page to rattle the cage to eventually get a response. It took me 48hrs to get a response, that actually led to practicle help. Will I use them again?...probably not.

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