I was looking online and what caught my attention was financed CEO and he's going to introduce the Russian Ruble as the first Fiat. To crypto trading interesting so Is what he announcer for the open Innovations of 2019 in Russia in Moscow Russia, and they go there's a website open Innovations talking there's a gas is speaking so on and so forth. To be honest with her CEO in the P was talking and he said that there are adding support for be operating in about two weeks or so. We should have supported the Russian Ruble trading Direct. In goes on about supporting fixed Point cache is listed a centralized exchange on ex-dea x There's just so much fun. And so the Bitcoin price has shared some of the treatment bearish pursue sure, but they're still there's our beautiful long way to go and we have so much more work to do and as the internet and social media Crafters is becoming more and more relevant. That cryptocurrency is the way of the future.
And there's been quite common for Crafters. I mean some crypto Traders have been waiting long enough and it's like man, it can't happen soon enough. You may like this wish to know where to turn around right now instead of waiting quite honestly patience is key and it makes you appreciate. It makes you appreciate the struggles and the hardship going on with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. You can also find this news on Yahoo. Finance. And basically it's their same articles basically word-for-word and most of these articles also but there's one thing I do know this recording I do not know anything about this on YouTube. So hopefully on the first YouTuber to report this and this article came out like five hours ago. Lauren time so it's to 18 right now 2:18 p.m. And I was just looking around came out first thing in the morning. So that's what's happening with finance and what they're doing in their Pursuit their goals and their Ambitions and it's it's going pretty well only pretty well. When crypto is When we're going to be able to buy cryptos Finance in the United States yet. It probably has probably hasn't really done much research with that. And Just just thinking to myself like it's not fair that all these other countries are getting involved in then like Finance shuts us down, you know, like the United States and we can't find a worker goes on. There's just like, why does that happen to us? Justice Time can't be for much longer. I mean it's going to be very sad if they shut it down. Let's assume United States where we can find cryptos, but I doubt that's going to happen, but we'll see because United States is Majority of us are involved with cryptocurrencies. Like that's where the most volatility is, but on the same time, I understand what the CEOs trying to do is trying to get it out there to the mass population to what the country so maybe making some headlines my help him and then opening a tree back up to us in the future.