Hey everybody I love doing articles I learned so much so let's do an article on one coin but before I start I've got an article from but before I start let me tell you a little story about one coin cell C 2017 probably the spring of 2018 so like March April ish I posted on Facebook a question like hey does anything or does anybody know anything about cryptocurrency
and one of my friends wife his wife got caseta he's not on Facebook so his wife got on and said yeah so and so yeah like oh wow so that friend is a successful person in the field of Agriculture and we started to talk and he was a big proponent of one coin so as I remember one coin was the first project that I actually ever read about maybe the second maybe light coin was the first but my point is early on one coin why I have no idea what's been going on with one coin I never invested in it I looked at up and I'm like it was kind of too hard for me to understand and if I normally if I go to a website and if I don't know what they do within fifteen to thirty seconds you know like if your website doesn't scream this is the use case this is what we do I'm a little guy I'm a simple guy I just kind of tend to move on so this article it's crypto Queen's brother admits four billion won coin scam his reward a US passport now I don't want to spend a whole lot of time on the article all but I'm gonna put it in the link below does anybody, of course, I guess no one's going to admit that they invested in one claim if one of the founders walked away with five hundred million but if you did invest in one coin what attracted you to it what did you like about it and on the flip side if you looked at one coin and didn't like it tell me why you didn't invest in it okay deal anyhow love y'all see you later