My Crypto Apps 02/2018

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

Since I get asked quite often what crypto related apps I use on my Android, here's an overview


I posted about Adamant already. To make it short - it's a blockchain based messenger app running on the good ol' DPoS 1.0 chain. So far it's working very good, but a bit expensive to use.


Hands down the best exchange app I've ever used on a smartphone.


A very good and unique portfolio tracker.
They offer BitShares DEX pairs and Vaultoro Gold, something you do not find in most other trackers.

BTS Wallet

The BTS Wallet by BitUniverse, I use it for some small amounts.


When you need a shitcoin wallet


Cloud encryption tool, works with desktop & mobile. It's one of the best tools in my arsenal.


Crypto Tracker of my choice, they're offering so many features and notifications.
If you're using blockfolio, give Delta a try, you'll be pleasantly surprised.


BTS Discord channel

Lykke Wallet

Only have this app installed to watch if and when they add BTS/FIAT Pairs


I don't know why I still have this app installed. Crypto debit cards are pretty much dead at this point.


For my paid VPN's.


I'm currently testing their VPN app. It's working very well for a free offer.


The very best Bitcoin app you can find. Really.
And they support paynym for increased privacy!


Who needs Instagram, right? I love browsing and posting there.


Self explanatory.


Toshi is a Ethereum app, that allows you to use certain projects. I'm testing it currently.


Privacy focused E-Mail provider of my choice.

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Thank you for introducing BitUniverse :D


So many apps! Guess you quit your day job. ;-)

what country you in i never heard of some of these apps

really good post...
thanks for sharing....dear..

I made a post a few days ago regarding that. Im gonna check your apps, thanks for sharing

Checkout Palmpay! or in the app store. It's in testing right now but is based on bitshares and there are people all over the world promoting it.

palmpay is a business app...

I choose another way, write my personal app: