Potential Crypto Moonshot of August 2022

in crypto •  3 years ago 

Social Tokens Might Make You Live Longer...
Just what in the h*** am I talking about... - hear me out though!

NOTE: This is a lightly edited version of the original article. Check out the full article and more like it at moonjacuzzibar.com

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Meet The Wonderfully Serious and Deliberately Playful Cryptocurrency that is Set Out On A Mission to Make Sure You Live a Longer and Healthier Life.
Moon Rabbit
(Ticker Symbol: AAA)

The Social Token On A Quest For Eternal Life!
Why Moon Rabbit (AAA) may have real potential in 2021 and beyond. You might even be hearing about it for the rest of your life, and that might be longer than you think..

Please be aware there are other projects called Moon Rabbit on CoinGecko.com with different ticker symbols. Always check to make sure you have the correct contract address to the token you are looking to purchase before swapping. (AAA contract Etherium contract address: (0x8c6bf16c273636523c29db7db04396143770f6a0))

Now before you read about this project, just consider this...
In 2015 if somebody explained the idea of Dogecoin (or something like it) to you, you would probably consider it some crazy nonsense scam. Being the gambler that I am, I had a similar experience to this about five years ago.

I was living in a small and remote jungle town called Haiku in Hawaii. My roommate (and one of my best friends!) and I were both jobless at the time. We lived so deep in the country that we did not even get a phone signal. So naturally, as Millenials, we sat around trading cryptocurrency all day while basking in the warm & tropical breeze. Things were going well (before the big crash..) and at some point, I turned to my friend and suggested buying something like 1,000,000 of this stupid thing called Dogecoin we had seen around. We both did some research and discovered it was meant to be a joke and had a dog meme for a mascot. On top of that, it had/has no fixed maximum supply, could be produced with little to no effort, and was widely available for free through faucet programs at the time. You can probably see where I’m going with this, we didn’t buy any Dogecoin. Then, sometime later, the market collapsed and our dewy days of irresponsibility were seemingly over (but crypto always comes back around!)  

So why am I telling you this? Why would anybody care about the time I almost made a life-changing decision to buy Doge? I just want to reiterate to you that sometimes we think something is stupid and crazy when in reality we have just failed to understand its potential.  

Now that I have prepared you I would like to introduce you to the main subject of this article Angel Versetti.

What is Moon Rabbit? & Who is Angel Versetti?
Moon Rabbit is a cryptocurrency and the social token of Entrepreneur, Investor, and prominent Dogecoin pack leader Angel Versetti (how ironic..). Some of you might recognize Angel Versetti from his place in the Forbes (Europe) magazine for making a spot in the popular “30 Under 30” column.

Angel Versetti is the co-founder and CEO of Ambrosus, along with Polkadot founder Gavin Wood. Ambrosus today is one of the world’s leading blockchain and IoT (Internet of Things) technology platforms. Ambrosus primarily develops technologies and advocates for the quality assurance of goods; particularly within pharmaceutical supply chains. Angel Versetti is a frequent public speaker on innovation, technology, and economic development. Before founding Ambrosus, Versetti held roles at the United Nations in the Trade and Investment Division, Department of Technology & Industry, and the World Resources Forum. It is also reported that he has held positions at both Google and Bloomberg.  

In addition to this highly regarded experience, Versetti is considered a serial investor and entrepreneur. He has been recognized by the Vatican Academy of Sciences as a Global 36 Leader. Versetti was also a participant in both the Ethereum and ChainLink inital coin offerings (ICO). He has also been involved with Bitcoin since version 0.1.0 back in 2011. In fact, Angel Versetti is said to have revived Dogecoin via Dogecoin Foundation (doge.org), of which he is the founder. Angel Versetti was responsible for the creation of the DogeTop5 group, and its alliance with WSB (Wall Street Bets), which brought about the exponential growth of Dogecoin between December 2020 and April 2021. 

I found this quote from Versetti when reading through a transcript of an interview he gave sharing his experiences with the creation of Polkadot (DOT) and Etherium (ETH). 

    “I cofounded Ambrosus together with Gavin Wood, founder of Polkadot and co-founder of Ethereum. We raised 500k seed and provided our investors with 1000x+ returns through our peak market cap of 640m within 6 months.”  – Angel Versetti

Now you have some background on the kind of person we are dealing with behind the Moon Rabbit project. It’s clear Angel Versetti is a very knowledgeable person when it comes to cryptocurrency. He also seems to be a very well-respected individual and public speaker. 

So What Exactly Is Moon Rabbit?
First let me share the description off the moonrabbit.com home page.
(This may actually be the only proper way to introduce Moon Rabbit)

_ Moon Rabbit is a vertically integrated crypto-meritocratic techno-conglomerate — 安居財閥 (AngoZaibatsu) — constituting a system of systems (Jurisdictions) with the overarching mission of seeking to discover the secret to eternal life — whether biologically or digitally — and to enable humanity to transcend the known dimensions and experience new worlds and spiritual states.
_ Under the leadership of Angel Versetti, we build upon the best practices of Longevity (Radical Aging Therapy & Genomics) and Cryptographic Distributed Systems (Rust, Substrate & Web3) to achieve our mission. Jurisdictions may pursue their own endeavors and visions, provided they contribute to the Higher Vision of Moon Rabbit.
_ Jump into the Rabbit Hole — and you will never be the same!
I Know What Your Thinking... WTF!

Now that is a serious amount of buzzwords and specialized jargon to take in. Believe me the proverbial “rabbit hole” only gets deeper from here on out (pun intended). I feel there are a few main parts to this project that are worth some serious recognition.   

First, let us start by breaking down this statement: “Moon Rabbit is a vertically integrated crypto-meritocratic techno-conglomerate.”

As a quick English refresher, (yes he is speaking English) here is the definition of vertically integrated vs. horizontally integrated from investopedia.com:

Horizontal vs. Vertical Integration: An Overview
Horizontal integration and vertical integration are competitive strategies that companies use to consolidate their position among competitors. Horizontal integration is the acquisition of a related business. A company that opts for horizontal integration will take over another company that operates at the same level of the value chain in an industry. Vertical integration refers to the process of acquiring business operations within the same production vertical. A company that opts for vertical integration takes complete control over one or more stages in the production or distribution of a product.

Now lets look at the term “crypto-meritocratic”, specifically the word Meritocracy:

Meritocracy: is a political system in which economic goods and/or political power are vested in individual people based on talent, effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social class.


Lastly, it is obvious that “techno” in “techno-conglomerate” stands for “technology”. However just for the sake of it, here is the definition of “conglomerate” as seen in the Oxford English Dictionary:

Conglomerate: A number of different things or parts that are put or grouped together to form a whole but remain distinct entities.
“Corporations form a conglomerate by merging diverse businesses.”

Note: I could not seem to find very much information on the meaning of “AngoZibatsu” other than it is a trademark of the Moon Rabbit project.

Now let us take a look at the second part of this tongue twister of a cryptocurrency mission statement.
“constituting a system of systems (Jurisdictions) with the overarching mission of seeking to discover the secret to eternal life — whether biologically or digitally — and to enable humanity to transcend the known dimensions and experience new worlds and spiritual states”

Now we seem to be getting somewhere. In describing and reading about this “system of systems” aka “Jurisdictions” Moon Rabbit seems to parallel the Polkadot Governance System in many ways. What Moon Rabbit is essentially calling “Jurisdictions” Polkadot calls “Parachains”.

If you’re reading this and thinking, what is a Polkadot, and what the hell is a parachain or “jurisdiction”, don’t worry, you’re not alone. The world of cryptocurrency sometimes moves at break-neck speeds, and the story of Moon Rabbit is still just getting warmed up. Here is a quick video refresher on what Polkadot is and how parachain(s) and side-chains work with the core of blockchain technology.

What Should We Think of Moon Rabbit..?
Normally the best person to describe a project is its founder. Angel Versetti has been quoted as saying this about Moon Rabbit:

    “Basically, Moon Rabbit is our own Polkadot @ hole.moonrabbit.com. You can check out the explorer, open your own wallet and play with our code here. There are two purposes in our project, First is to roll out an alternative where all the rejects from Polkadot. who didn’t get a parachain, can roll out without limitations, such as your own DEX, Defi, or NFT protocol.”

I get that at a glance, Moon Rabbit seems wildly unrealistic and confusing. However, in researching the project and its founder I have to say I am personally interested in watching it develop further.

I hope the idea behind Moon Rabbit is starting to take some form in your mind. I mean it is described by the founder as “essentially” their version of Polkadot, complete with substrate infrastructure. This is also very similar to the Cosmos (ticker: ATOM) cryptocurrency ecosystem. That being said it is clear that all three of these projects have distinctly different goals.  

So How Does Eternal Life Fit In?
How does the quest for immortality fit in with MoonRabbit? Before you start running for the hills just hear me out, after all, you’ve already made it this far. Apparently, Angel Versetti has been thinking about the subject of immortality and life extension for a long time. He may actually be on to something because after all, who doesn’t want to live a long and healthy life?

Some analysts are even estimating that by the year 2025 “Longevity” and “Life-Extension” will be a 2.5 Trillion dollar a year industry. That’s nearly double what the entire cryptocurrency market cap is today.  

There is a part of the Moon Rabbit project that they are calling the Longevity DAO. Again for those of you that don’t know, DAO is an acronym meaning Decentralized Autonomous Organization. I’m not going to get into this too much because there is a lot of great information already available on DAO’s. Here is the definition of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization

    “A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is an entity with no central leadership. Decisions get made from the bottom-up, governed by a community organized around a specific set of rules enforced on a blockchain.” 

What is the Moon Rabbit's Longevity DAO?
To explain it in his own words, here are a few more quotes from the blockcast.cc interview transcript with Angel Versetti I quoted earlier:

    “We also have Longevity DAO which is using crypto and web3 to accelerate research in life extension and anti-aging technologies. Many leaders in crypto have been investing in it for a while And we want to unlock the full potential of longevity via crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and web3 data processing & storage.” 

   “We basically have launched our own Polkadot. It’s massively scalable, with cross-chain communication and web3. In 4 weeks we are launching EVM (Etherium Virtual Machine) compatibility layer permitting full interoperability of Moon Rabbit with Ethereum and all of its derivatives.” 

   “Covid has massively accelerated the trends of longevity, wellbeing, bio-tech. People now are constantly thinking about living longer and healthier, and there is a massive flood of interest in life extension and anti-age therapy. Even in crypto, the richest people in crypto and thought leaders (Vitalik, Gavin, Joseph, Charles, Roger, etc.). They have been investing in longevity for years. There is massive promise in the sector, both to the elites and the masses; and imagine incentivizing entrepreneurs and researchers in this sector.” 


    “As for the network question, the network is live indeed. hole.moonrabbit.com is where you can check out all our infrastructure. We are launching our first Jurisdictions in August (2021). Dogecoin Foundation is our first massive partner. woof.doge.org is the explorer for the first Jurisdiction of Moon Rabbit.” 

Now for the TLDR version: Moon Rabbit is another version of Polkadot that incorporates a DAO focused on longevity, life extension, and anti-aging.

If you have made it this far you might be thinking what I was thinking. It sounds crazy, but Moon Rabbit might be big in the not-so-distant future. Ironically reminding me of that humid day in the jungle when I tried to convince myself to buy a bunch of this worthless thing called Dogecoin. (I had to bring that part around full circle for you eventually!) 

Now Why Is It Called Moon Rabbit?
As the story goes:

One night, the Man on the Moon came down to earth disguised as a beggar. He chanced upon a Fox, a Monkey, and a Rabbit and asked for some food. The Fox brought him fish from a stream, and the Monkey brought fruit from the trees, but the Rabbit could only offer grass. So he told the beggar to build a fire, and when it was built, threw himself onto the flames to offer himself to the Man. Amazed by the Rabbit’s generosity, the beggar transformed back into the Man on the Moon and pulled the Rabbit from the fire. To honor the Rabbit’s kindness, the Man on the Moon carried the Rabbit back to the moon to live with him.

Now, if you look at the full moon, you can see the outline of the Rabbit pounding mochi on the moon.

This story is a classic folktale that is often told to children around the time of the harvest moon. The story has been fully “Japan-ified” over time, though its roots have been traced back to the origins of Buddhism.

There is a lot of meaning behind Moon Rabbit and it is very important in Asian folklore. The legend elaborates on the rabbit living on the moon to having discovered the elixir of life. This also is sometimes depicted as the rabbit pounding rice mochi representing the elixir of life.

Moon Rabbit Is In Development Right Now!
To share a closing quote from the same interview with Angel Versetti about Moon Rabbit and eternal life:

    “As for Longevity DAO, it will select the most promising innovations, research, or startups within the longevity space; and accelerate those through crowdfunding and crowdsourcing. It will enable those startups to launch their own crypto or tokens or otherwise benefit from open-source code to create collaboration frameworks where the best contributors are rewarded.” 

    “We will have a mix of governance between the DAO council, the wider community of Moon Rabbit, and the advisory board of Longevity scientists and experts to assist with the long-term potential of longevity. Our short-term activities will focus on launching our own crypto ecosystem of DEXes, Defi and NFT protocols, eSports, web3, etc.” 

    “We want to build a rich ecosystem, just like Polkadot and Solana have. We are a Layer0 and Layer1 ecosystem at our core.” 

Moon Rabbit Coin will be Useful Primarily in the Following Four Categories:

  1. AAA will be used as “digital fuel” to execute transactions and/or processes transactions on our network. This being similar to Etherium and GAS fees for transactions.

  2. AAA will be a necessary security provision for the network via Staking for Temples (validators)

  3. AAA is necessary to roll out a chosen jurisdiction in the Moon Rabbit ecosystem.

  4. AAA will be used in longevity goods and services built & accelerated by the Longevity DAO. The Longevity DAO will only be accessible via the Moon Rabbit cryptocurrency. (this is a legal condition for our partnerships), this is a model similar to BNB.

    In Moon Rabbit’s crypto-economic model, they have basically taken parts from the world’s leading successful cryptocurrency projects and combined them into one. As one example, Moon Rabbit states they have a regular deflationary schedule of coin burning. This is to help ensure a persistently decreasing supply and increased scarcity over time.

In Conclusion
When I first heard about Moon Rabbit I was skeptical and rather judgmental. After looking through some of the project files, GitHub, Mission Statement, hole.rabbit.com, and doing some thorough research on the founder… I must say I am rather impressed. The world of cryptocurrency is wild and unencumbered, and that is part of what we love about it.

If you could travel back in time to even just the 90’s, and explain some of the financial concepts of today, most people would think it’s some crazy SciFi fantasy. When in reality we live and interact with the “new economy” and digital financial systems every day.  

So what could be next? Is it social tokens? Artificial intelligence? or the quest for eternal life?

Perhaps it is actually all of these things and much, much, more…

I for one am excited to find out!

NOTE: This is a lightly edited version of the original article. Check out the full article and more like it at moonjacuzzibar.com

Link to Moon Rabbit’s Crypto-Economic Model

Check Out Moon Rabbit's August 2021 Road Map:


NOTE: This is a lightly edited version of the original article. Check out the full article and more like it at moonjacuzzibar.com

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