Biddle Is Making A Minty Trading Bot

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey Guys, I'm building a trading bot! I'm going to use the Bittrex API and see if I can have some minty, schwifty gains. Now, I'm not gonna share my strategies/algorithms right now, but if I do see substantial gains, I'm going to keep everyone updated and will eventually share the logic behind it. Bittrex is currently on version 1.1, so I an imagine this API will only get better and better as Bittrex grows and maintains itself over the year/coming years. If you're a developer, this may be a good time to begin experimenting with it.

Bittrex has a set of API methods for both public information and private information. Methods specific to your private key are things such as limit buys, limit sells, cancels, getting open orders, getting your balances/a specific crypto balance, getting your deposit address, withdrawing, looking at a specific order by it's uuid, getting order history, and getting withdrawal/deposit history. Public data includes getting the price/ticker metrics of a given currency/all currencies, getting the order book, getting market summary, and getting market history. All data returned is of type application/JSON and goes over https.

I'm finishing up a Java-based RESTful Client (I'm just most comfortable and productive in that language) that will be automated and fully run on the algorithms employed to govern its logic to see if I can get some good returns, then will probably move to Python and/or JavaScript-only. I'll tell you my thoughts on why I think we're still in a stage of growth in the crypto market where I believe that a retail trader's bot can still have an even field once I roll this out and see how it is performing. I'll also release the source on GitHub eventually if it goes well (after I make a little cash, of course haha) so that people can try it out and see how it goes for them!

This will be my first bot I've ever made for trading and I hope it goes well! :)

Do you have experience with bots? Have you seen good returns from them?


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sounds good keep me updated

Will do! :)

Good luck, i will follow you.

Thanks! :)

followed! finely someone with substance! not nagging theres a few, just seems rare.

Thanks! I'm glad you found this interesting, informative, and useful! I'll definitely check out some of your content too! :)

I have some experience with conversational bots for Telegram, Messenger etc. so my knowledge doesn't apply at all for trading. For a trading bot you would have to operate on historical data, model candlesticks and apply strategies, right?

Hey @alexejco , that's awesome! Programming is programming imho, so there's absolutely crossover and that will allow you to take up additional projects more easily! :) But yeah, that would generally be the way to do it. I will be using historical data, but not necessarily using candlesticks (although that is a tool that many love and find value in) right away. But yeah, you use historical data (preferably continuously updating it yourself utilizing the api calls available in Bittrex to get market data) and you make suppositions of future movement based on that data using whatever strategies you think will work. :)

That makes sense. The first thing that came to my mind when reading this was a simple high frequency bot that buys whatever value and sells immediately after the market price increases to a slightly higher % than your fees for the trade. You'd possibly wait a long time if the price falls low and the bot waits until it's up to the buying price again!

Yeah, that's how it will work, but the hard part is to figure out what predictors might imply that a price will go slightly higher quickly. :)

Let me know how the bot works out

Will do! :)

@biddle - Great, looking forward to hearing more! I also created a bot for Coinbase/Gdax in Node JS. It's not placing trades as of now as I'm also working on the logic part, however, it shows me updated information on my portfolio, give me suggestions to buy or sell.

Way to Go! Keep us posted!

That's awesome! and thanks, I definitely will! :)

That is awesome that you are able to do that. You might not think it is a big deal but for us normies that is really cool. I have looked into coding and no dice. I do not have the time or patience. One question though. Being a gamer I always hear bad things about java, but I guess it is different in this case?
Good luck!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @voxxer , thanks! :) Yeah, Java can be bad in some scenarios for sure and definitely isn't the fastest language, but I'm just really productive since it was the first language I learned; I chose it so I can make the bot quickly; definitely will be a lot of room for improvement and overhaul though! Thanks for the wishes of luck! :)

Best of luck


There are already many trading bots available. I hope you can take a look at them and get more idea about features you can add. I am listing few of them for reference.

If you find any flaw, do let me know as I have started using them. Best of luck for your project!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the wishes of luck! I'll definitely take a look!

Bot ... If there is a huge amount of loss by any chance, it is the key whether to convince it.
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