I'll admit it depends on the NFT on if I hate it to not. I like NFTs for what they could be assets in things like games etc. What I don't like is the random generated JPG images that people buy in droves that have no reason to be worth anything besides pure speculation. If there was some utility behind it I could understand it.
Welp Crypto punks are back again as their floor price as recently risen by 13%. This is one of those projects I'll never understand lol but then again I don't need to understand it. Total trading volume on the NFT itself is over 1 million ETH which is pretty wild.
This jumps seems to be sparked by a rumor's of the NFT getting a new IP or selling it off. It's going to be interesting if these projects every really make a return. I still only remember the mess of bored ape yacht club NFT event where people got blinded and burned from the light show lol. Legit right up the NFT worlds ally.