We’re building an automatic Crypto Trading Bot Platform

in crypto •  3 years ago 

We’re a small team of three people that have been working on this project for soon to be a year now. So please be patient with what we have made, all feedback is welcomed!

BravoBot is our response to a few poorly made cryptocurrency trading bots we’ve tried to use. Ranging from UI to functionality, we set out to fix those issues. We’re planning on launching BravoBot around Q2 of this year (2022).

What is BravoBot?

BravoBot is a cryptocurrency trading bot built for Binance (more exchanges to come). It interfaces with Binance through API keys provided by the users that allow BravoBot to trade on their behalf. The users can create bots with their own rule sets and multiple entries and exit strategies to follow, allowing for non-emotional trading running 24/7, all based on hard data and no human error.

Is this secure?

We put your security first. Your funds are not at risk of being stolen through API keys. Binance allows you to enable withdrawals through API keys; however, our system will reject the API keys when withdrawal permissions are enabled. We also have various security measures that we should not talk about - to keep malicious people guessing :).

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API permissions required to run the bot


The dashboard gives the users a quick overview of the user’s bots and their state. If the users want more information, they can access it on a per-bot basis, giving them a more in-depth overview of the bot and its performance. When using other bots, we’ve found lots of unnecessary information or messy layouts, so we aimed at making the interface very clear. Also, the whole interface looks great on mobile.

As you can see, everything you would want to access is accessible from the dashboard itself. If you're going to go more in-depth into the results of a bot, you can do so on the card on the right, where bots will generate the reports.

BravoBot's bot management Dashboard

Bot creation

The bot creation screen is undergoing an overhaul, but the features will remain the same. To create a bot, we have divided the process into three steps. The first step is housekeeping information, name your bot, provide wallet information, and what coins it should trade.

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Step 1 when creating a bot

Step two is our favorite. We’re proud to show you the multi-entry strategy creation screen. Think of it as an extensive OR statement with many AND statements per strategy. You can specify multiple market conditions for the bot to look out for when entering a trade. Each strategy can have various rules set below. Users can fine-tune the rules down to the time frame and number of candles.

Essentially users can define one, or more strategies. Each strategy will contain one or more rules (market conditions). The strategies are used by the bot to know when to enter a position. Only one strategy has to be true for the bot to enter. Having multiple strategies will allow the bot to scan the market for various market conditions when looking for an entry and it will enter if any of them reflect the state of the market.

A rule is a market condition. For example, RSI (relative strength index) is one of the most popular technical analysis tools. A rule can be that the bot has to enter a trade position when Bitcoin’s RSI is under 20 (oversold). All of the rules in the strategy have to reflect the state of the market (to be true) for the strategy to be true giving the bot the buy signal.

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Step 2 when creating a bot

Step three is the exit strategies page. The bot will exit the trade once certain market conditions are met. We’re planning to add many different exit strategies before the public release, and some are currently in the testing phase. The bot will exit the trade once certain market conditions are met that are defined by the user.

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Step 3 when creating a bot

How do I know if my strategy is good?

To help users understand if their strategy is good, we created backtesting which will go back in time and paper trade to show the users the effectiveness of their strategy. We hope this will help users find profitable strategies that they can use to make a profit.

Backtesting will be free to run and will give you hard data that you can base your bots off without having to put your money at risk to experiment with strategies.


Reports generated by the bot give the user all the information they could need to understand what the bot has done. The report page has multiple graphs showing you the wallet change over time or per trade basis. You can hover over the graph to get more information. Multiple tables will show you the success of each strategy. The table to the right will show you the most common coins traded by the bot. Lastly, the bottom table will show the users the whole trade log.

The trade log will contain all the information about the bot’s trades since it was launched up until it was shut off. This table can be exported or printed for further analysis on your part through excel or other number-crunching programs.

Report generated by a bot


We’ve recently released a roadmap that outlines the goals of every major release we’re planning to do. We’re going to implement new features and updates constantly; however, we have big pieces we will be working on in the background that will be part of major releases. Some features are not on the roadmap. We call them “secret features,” which we do not yet wish to disclose, but we know you will enjoy them very much.

Our roadmap

How does BravoBot make money?

The profit model we’re going to implement is on a commission basis. The commission will be the lowest among other commission-based bots. Until you make money, we won’t see a dime so it's in our best interest to make sure we help you profit. We implemented backtesting to help you create profitable bots that will benefit you when testing strategies, later down the road benefiting us through commission. We see this as a win-win situation.

The users will have to deposit some BUSD into a wallet specially assigned to your profile to pay commission (think of it as a pre-paid SIM card). We will credit the amount of BUSD you deposited to your account, and we will charge a commission from that amount each time your bot makes money.

Once the platform is ready to be launched we will have a referral system. Users will receive credit every time the person that they referred, made a profit.

The money you deposit to our platform will have other uses apart from paying commission in the future so stay tuned.

BravoBot sounds cool! How can I join?

Our product is still in development, but we have multiple community outlets we’re trying to grow. We have a Discord and Telegram channel for the community and social media. We also make YouTube videos showcasing our weekly progress towards the public release.

We’re holding an “early bird” promotion to incentivize people to join before the public release. People that pre-register over at bravobot.com will receive $10 of credit (the wallet where we will charge the commission) and an early bird badge (which can be displayed on your profile to show off that you were there before others).

Also, the sooner you sign up, the sooner you will get access to the platform since we will slowly open the platform to the public, allowing only small subsets to access first. This is to ensure that our system will be able to handle the users and possibly find issues early on. Your time is greatly appreciated.

Hope to see you soon!

-Nikolay, Alfred, and Frank

BravoBot Team

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