Everybody would like to earn more money but what is the value of your work ? For you ? For the society ?
If you think about this question you will find no good answer to it.
Many Genius who have invented invaluable discovery died in poverty, like Denis Papin, the inventor of the vapor engine or Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the alternator.
Lot of of prestigious artist too were not recognized during their life. Van Gogh for example.
So if we cannot attribute a fair value to your work, one solution is to give the same amount of money to everybody, every month with a high rate of inflation so that you cannot hoard this money. Because when you hoard it, you are penalizing the upcoming generations.
This is the solution which has been selected by the Duniter group and a software has been implemented to distribute a universal dividend to any body claiming it.
Within the universal dividend system the amount of money distribute every month is relative to the number of people asking for it. This requiring some thinking. The relative theory of money explain in details the fondations of the theory. The relative theory of money is freely available under creative commons rights here.
The first money coming out of the Duniter software is the Ğ1.
The Ğ1 is one year old and smoothly spreading among the internet.
Oeuvre relative à Ğ1 cc-by-nc Gildas Malassinet-Tannou
Maybe you will try it in 2018 ?
If you want to try this social innovation, you have to prove you are human in this forum
Merry Christmas !