Splinterlands | Counterspell Battle Challenge

in crypto •  2 years ago 

Another rule set continue to move forward alfabetically in the Share Your Battle Challenge for Splinterlands. This week, we are at the Counterspell Game Rule.

This is another pretty straightforward rule where all monsters get the Magic Reflect ability making it almost impossible to play magic monsters unless they have the Reflection Shield or Void abilities. So basically you want to focus on Melee and/or Ranged attack monsters while

I did get a match with only 1 rule which was Counterspell and with 39 mana to use, it made it possible to play one of my favorite Water Decks (See My Favorite Wild Gold League Water Decks)

The Kraken remains an absolute powerhouse tank for Wild League and I would say for 26$ it is actually really affordable right now. Especially combined with both the Crustacean King and the Medaali Guardian, it basically gets triple healing which includes an armor repair. So unless the opponent has a monster with affliction which also hits, it is just really hard to kill. The Possibilus Legendary Summoner allows to play another tank in 2nd place and the Arkemis The Bear tends to be the best option nearly always. The 3rd card that is a powerhouse and a must is the Deeplurker with the added Trample ability along with the Poison ability. So 3 cards to do massive damage, 2 healers and 2 0-mana filler cards with the Furious Chicken and the Torrent Fiend.

Splintertools only showed 56% win rate in a match against an opponent who was using a bot to play also having quite strong cards. Especially the poison ability of the Deeplurker managed to do quite some extra damage which was needed for me to win this match. It also shows me that playing against bots is not impossible even though you rarely to never get the win for free and it always will be quite hard even if you have a wide collection. So a way to always assure you play against human opponents would be nice to have at some point. I still don't support the current proposal which most likely would make Wild league far less enjoyable.

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