CriptoReal, more than a simple new cryptocurrency

in crypto •  6 years ago 


A country, a community

Brazil is one of the countries where bank fees are the highest and where bank service is one of the worst.
With a population of more than 210 million people, Brazil accounts for nearly half of all e-commerce in Latin America; e-economy is still growing every year despite the political and economic context (8% growth per year, more than 48 million e-consumers spending more than 14.8 billion $).

CriptoReal (CRS ticker) is a community-based project from start, without ICO with the clear objective of reducing the costs of intermediaries.
CriptoReal wants to offer an alternative payment method for online and offline trading.
Focused on Brazil at the beginning, CriptoReal has the objective of extending to Latin America countries thereafter.
The initiation of the project comes from discussions with the largest e-merchants in the country who would have expressed their interest to reduce the costs of intermediaries through the use of this new technology that are cryptocurrencies.

Quickly CriptoReal has built a very active community on Discord, and was able to prove all the involvement of his team in this project.
The Discord group has over 1300 members (Brazilian, English, Spanish and Russian) and more than 750 members on their Facebook group.


CriptoReal network is based on Masternode. A Masternode is a server permanently connected to the network that is rewarded to perform certain tasks for the network. This is the technology on which Dash relies to name only the most famous.
Many new currencies try to ride the masternodes trend but they are often only "Pump & Dump" scheme.

CriptoReal keeps the original interest of the Masternodes: ensure the stability and the security of the network, provide an efficient decentralization, and help to stabilize the prices and to limit the volatility. Indeed to operate a masternode a certain amount of parts must be blocked (50k CRS for CriptoReal).
The team has even set up a shared Masternode system where you can invest with less coins (at least 1000) and receive a percentage of the rewards. An automatic service is under development, see the next chapter.

Information on the ROI of CriptoReal masternodes is available here:

Progress and roadmap

The team works hard and communicates very frequently on the project status.
Each month, a summary is published on the Bitcointalk forum dedicated thread.
Take a look and you will quickly understand why this project can be called "active".

Already done (among others things):

  • Web, PC, Mac, Paper wallets, and even an Android wallet available here
  • Collaboration with an English sports betting company
  • Available on 3 exchanges including FixBit to exchange Brazilian real (Fiat) in CryptoReal
  • Airdrop (free distribution of coins) regularly done on the channel Discord


The roadmap is ambitious:

  • iOS Wallet
  • Android game where you can collect CriptoReal is under development
  • sponsorship of eSports tournaments
  • Automatic shared masternodes service
  • Social networks marketing campaigns and on national and international press
  • Plugins for e-commerce platforms (woocommerce, magento, etc.)
  • Payment terminals (eg for parking)
  • In 2020: launch of a decentralized exchange to buy and sell CRS in peer to peer, to avoid intermediaries


A real & visible team

Many cryptocurrency projects are anonymous. The CriptoReal team recently sponsored and participated in the Bitconf 2018 conference, the main conference on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in Brazil.


Video demonstrating Android wallet usage and almost instant money transfer:


This article is not an investment advice but I am personally very positive about this project.
In my opinion it has solid foundations, a team involved and a growing community.
Make yourself an opinion but I'm sure we will hear about CriptoReal in 2018.



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Wow. Countries and companies are really expanding into crypto. It's a good time to be in this business. Which country is next?

Crypto is the future. Which one will be last?

Also they Have a shared Master node platform now, really awesome, for who dont have 50k crs, and anyone with 100CRS at least can invest :