Saudi nobleman arrested by another wealthy person Mohammad Hussein al-Amoudi He is a Ethiopian citizen. The news spread that he was arrested earlier this month. It is speculated that Mohammed Hussein al-Amaudi, the wealthiest owner of Saudi Arabia's wealth was Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.
According to Middle East based online news portal Middle East, the issue of the arrest of Prince Bin Talal has been discussed worldwide. The arrest of al-Amaudi is also of great importance. Because he is blocked, the entire economy of a country can become unstable. Ethiopia has investment in almost every sector from agricultural sector and hotel business to space exploration, Al-Amaudi, known as 'The Sheikh'. It is difficult to imagine how much his investment in this rapidly developing country of Africa is.
According to an analyst, Al-Amaudi has invested $ 340 million in Ethiopia, which is 4.7 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). According to the labor force survey conducted in 2013, there are about 100,000 people working in Ethiopia, which houses the wealthy Saudi nationals. This number is 14 percent compared to the number of working people in the private sector. World Bank analysts said that the pace of development of Ethiopia has increased in the last four years due to the speed of development.
Since its arrest, Al-Amaudi has become the first news item for Ethiopian news media. Within a few days of his arrest, the country's prime minister, Hailemariam Desalen, held a press conference. In this, he said that his arrest in Al-Amaudi would not affect his investment in Ethiopia. However, an Ethiopian investment official, however, thinks that the economy of his country is not dependent on Al-Amaudi's investment only.
Al-Amaudi spokesman Tim Pendri said in the UK that his wealth beyond Saudi Arabia has not yet affected the arrest of this wealthy man.