Cryptonia Poker ICO- Bringing Online Poker to the Cryptocurrency World

in crypto •  6 years ago 

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If you were to sit down and calculate how much money is spent with online poker in a single year, then you would be stunned at the end result. We really are talking about some crazy numbers, so the idea of linking online poker with cryptocurrency does seem as if it would be tailor-made for it all.

That is where Cryptonia Poker is hoping to make some significant in-roads simply because it just feels as if there is a market out there sitting waiting for this kind of technology to hit their industry. However, is that the truth, and can the team behind this project deliver on their promises?
Check their website here

Transparency with Poker

Perhaps one of the first things to mention, which is also very important, is the fact that the team behind Cryptonia Poker are adamant that they are able to bring complete transparency to the poker world. It will be their intention that players will benefit from competitive rakes along with regular discounts that will be paid for by the increase in value of the core Cryptonia token.

They note that the more traditional form of online poker has had security issues, and a feeling that things are effectively hidden from those taking part in the games. This has led to a certain sense of apathy between players, so those are two problems that Cryptonia is seeking to resolve.

The Advantage of using the Blockchain

The team behind the project state that there are different advantages of using blockchain technology in this industry. Not only does it push forward that concept of transparency, but the blockchain is known to be very secure and things cannot be manipulated when they are placed on the public ledger.

The very fact that this is the case does mean that it should become easier for people to trust what the company is doing and the fear of being cheated should start to diminish in size and stature.

Also, the traditional fiat currencies are going to be replaced by Cryptonia tokens which will be made available via the big-name currency exchanges. The fact that people have these tokens in advance does mean that there should be no issue regarding money, so that alone is going to make the betting aspect far more secure than it has otherwise been.

They also note that they are going to restrict the information that they need from gamers, so it does open up the possibility of people staying pretty much anonymous if that is what they would prefer. Once again, this is different to most poker websites, and you can see why some may be drawn to this particular option over others.

As if the security side has not been improved enough, Cryptonia Poker will also use Smart Contracts to validate each and every transaction. These transactions will be able to be traced as well, which is another benefit of the blockchain, but that is not even the biggest advantage of using this technology.

Instead, blockchain technology cost next to nothing in fees, so it makes it significantly cheaper for players when they use this platform as opposed to others. You can see why that would also be attractive to players because who wants to get their winnings and then be hit by charges when they try to withdraw them?

What we can expect to find with Cryptonia Poker is a platform that is fairer to players in every conceivable way, and one that is significantly safer to use where the chances of being cheated are vastly reduced. That alone should help you to make your decision as to whether or not you should move over to this platform, but when there are so many clear advantages, then it would be slightly crazy to not even consider it.

This is one of those projects where it is easier to see a nice future for the team behind the entire platform, and with the game of online poker only continuing to increase in popularity, it will be easy to see how their token is also going to increase in value. So, if you are able to add some to your portfolio, then there is some very real potential of you making a profit from your investment in the future.

IСO [10 April, 2018 - 01 Jul, 2018]


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Love poker, love crypto match made in heaven for me! Will check out the project.

There are too many project which are way more developed. Competition is good though so lets see which coin wins the war. Im rooting for Wagerr.