The currency created by the cryptographic method and based on the principles of decentralization is of great interest not only for business corporations, business entities, large investors, but also for individuals wishing to invest small sums in order to provide themselves and their families with a permanent passive (or other) income.
Hence the colossal leap in the development of this direction.
Advantages of these platforms is the speed of transactions, the economy of use, because eliminates the need for additional costs for intermediary banking services, high volatility of cryptographic monetary units, which provides opportunities for additional earnings, the reliability of payment transactions and many other positive qualities.
Their viability was proved by such projects as ICO systems based on cryptographic currencies. These projects provide their investors with revenues not only from the marginal cost of their platform tokens, but also from the volatility of the crypto currency. In addition, the projects themselves prove their profitability and provide early investors with large bonuses for additional profitability.
The development of this market requires the attraction of additional funds, which, often, the participants do not possess. Therefore, in the crypto currency market, the institution of lending in units of cryptographic currency began to develop. The lending market is very successful in the usual, classical sense of business. And in the sphere of crypto-economics this direction can be even more attractive for investors.
How Lendingblock Works
Participants of legal relations on smart contracts on the Lendingblock platform are Creditors and Borrowers. Moreover, any participant, regardless of the size of the capital available in the accounts, can be any of the parties to the loan agreement. The Lendingblock system will provide security, protection of rights and legitimate interests of one side and the other, which, undoubtedly, will expand the lending and profitability of assets.
High level of need in the conditions of crediting promotes scaling of the project, its popularity and growth of number of involved participants.
The process of using the Lendingblock system by creditors seems to be a simple way of attracting crypto-currency funds and securities into the credit system. Technical equipment and developed terms of use of the Lendingblock platform is able to guarantee attracted creditors the reliability of entering into smart contracts with borrowers, securing the principle of recoverability, profitability (using interest rates), and additional profitability (thanks to the volatility of cryptographic currencies). Potential creditors go through registration, identity verification, create an account. Further, the system carries out a specification when the lender provides information about what it can offer, what facilities it has, and Lendingblock will verify the reliability of the specified data. The next action - initiation - involves placing a lender's offer on the site, searching for a borrower. Then - the conclusion of the transaction, the receipt by the creditor of interest on the terms of a smart contract LND. The final action under the loan agreement is the closing of the transaction. Credit repayment, interest receipt. And in cases of bankruptcy of the borrower, the Lendingblock project provides a system of insurance payments that will cover the main expenses incurred by the creditor and prevent the loss of the transaction.
The process of using the platform under consideration by borrowers includes several stages. This registration, the creation of an account, verification of personal data, solvency and other information about the borrower, necessary for the conclusion of a smart contract for obtaining credit amounts. Borrower's specification, when the amount, terms, permissible interest and other conditions for receiving funds are indicated. Initiation, which includes the search for a lender, ready to conclude a transaction on the proposed terms. Service, when the calculated amounts are distributed, it is possible to transfer funds to the creditor, all additional operations for changing the amount, recording and recording the performance of the parties to the terms of the loan agreement, etc. are legally performed. The completion of the transaction is the payment by the borrower of funds on the terms of a smart contract (principal and interest), the return of the security.
ICO Lendingblock
Lendingblock is a platform designed to solve credit problems in a cryptosystem.
Like most modern projects in the field of crypto currency, this platform is an ICO-platform.
ICO conditions:
The token, developed for the project - LND - the monetary unit (Crypto currency) on the market. Currency type ERC20.
Platform for launching LND - Ethereum.
The amount of LND is 1 billion.
The cost of LND is 0.02 USD.
Restrictions have been made for participation in the project for residents of countries such as the US and China.
The distribution of the tokens was decided according to the following scenario:
at the preliminary sale of LND realization of 45%,
on the main trade - 10%,
for founders 15% are left,
in the reserve fund - 15%,
for the project team - 5%,
for partners - 5%,
for private sale - 5%.
The remaining tokens will be written off.
Thus, the company ICO Lendingblock, which is a credit tool in the field of crypto-economics, has all the features and advantages of the Ethereum system.
Creditors-participants Lendingblock receive incomes not only in the form of interest on a loan agreement, but also from profit from the volatility of the crypto currency.
This system is not only a platform, but also a protocol, the structure of information blocks that form the basis of Blockchain technology.
Obviously, the ICO Lendingblock project has all the prerequisites for a good start and excellent development. Scalability of the project will contribute to the growth of the value of LND.
This platform is very attractive for investors. gives confidence in its viability and profitability of its assets.
All the necessary information, technical documents can be obtained on the official website of the project.