Streamr Brubeck Testnet 3 is Launched!

in crypto •  3 years ago 


Another promising project that caught my attention is Streamr: real-time data decentralized web.

Data stream.png

As already said, Streamr is decentralized platform for real-time data. It is open source, crowdfunding project based on blockchain and crypto monetarization technologies. Streamr Network transports streams from data publishers to subscribers. You may consider it as a global publish/subscribe messaging service.

It's functionality is similar to message queues. It can:

  • Publish messages
  • Subscribe to messages
  • Store messages for later

Sounds similar to Hive ecosystem, but lighter and faster.



Decentralization and peer-to-peer is the way. There's no need discuss this with users of decentralized network.

You get easy scalability, small initial investment, and benefit from scalable economics. Unlike centralized services, there's no provider monopoly or proprietary code. You have no need to trust a third party with your information. The Network is run by its community of users. Each node is complete and there is no censorship or data manipulation. And with cryptography, there is no need for trust.


Key Concepts

Streams are sequences of timestamped messages, delivered from publishers to subscribers by the Streamr Network.

Products are collections of streams which can be published onto the Marketplace and subscribed by other Streamr users.

DATA is the cryptocurrency which powers the Streamr. It is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain.


Under the progress

Streamr is under development, even though you already can use streams and develop own applications via provided or third-party API libraries. In one point, Streamr is still under heavy development - blockchain decentralization.

This is where we stand today: third testnet aka Brubeck Testnet 3 is up and running.


Brubeck Testnet 3

I am one of early adopters and I provide one of nodes for current test. Test is currently limited in it's functionality, but it is open for anyone who want's to test technology and get knowledge about it's use.


Brubeck Testnet will be up and running for at least four more days. It is scheduled to end on October 19th, but most of nodes will continue to run much longer. I plan to keep my node up and running almost all the time. So if you need node for the test - you know who to contact ;)


Look at the official papers and technology at the

Join the future!

Note: All illustration's are part of the Streamr Media Kit intendent for promotion and free to use.


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