
in crypto •  7 years ago 

Exciting news in electroneum. The CEO of Uber and Spotify is getting on board with electroneum I think this will be good for the value of the ETN coin

Sources: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2065043.0

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Thanks for sharing but this isn't exactly news. A couple of guys are planning an ICO early 2018. Check out the proposal and tell us what you think:

Keyword: source code embedded in the blockchain

Src coin sounds interesting but from what I read I don't really understand what there trying to say they don't really say how it will be better or effect the block chain and if they did I didn't understand how it was worded I'm still learning about the block chain technology

Well right now bitcoin mining is producing electricity bills for a small country. SrcCoin will use proof of social value (github, bitbucket, ...) so there will be no electricity cost to mine it.

great project