Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I agree, we will have a tough time convincing people that aren't already comfortable with the crypto space to join us immediately. We hope that we can aid in the transition, and that cryptos become a bit more main stream. Generally, gamblers are willing to overcome barriers in the pursuit of profitability, but it remains a barrier nonetheless.
Initially, we will purchase odds from elsewhere and will likely be tweaking the lines provided by Pinnacle. Contemporaneously, we will have our in-house odds compilers/creators working so that us, the management, can evaluate their performance before we fully rely on our in-house lines. It is our intention to eventually be a line provider rather than relying on lines provided by someone else.
I agree, with your last sentence as well. Truthfully, what we are doing is giving users the best chance at profitability, and uniting against the odds/fees charged by existing sportsbooks.