RE: The Future Of Money! (Now That Crypto Is A Thing)

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The Future Of Money! (Now That Crypto Is A Thing)

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

What a frikkin' cool article! It is a modern version of the German money being used to start fires during the Second World War! The time of cryptocurrencies is rising quickly and the fiat world will have to take its back seat, if it is to survive anything at all.

Thanks a lot for this post. Upvoted a full 100%, resteemed and shared!

Namaste :)

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Couldn't agree more the longer the world continues using or more so abusing the monetary systems we have in place the sooner we'll be wiping our asses with the fiat systems paper denominations crypto will bring us back to where we need to be from a stability standpoint

Max respect! Thanks for the comment <3

My pleasure! It has been sent all over the net by now, thanks again for your work and dedication among us.

Namaste :)

Thanks for the article! It'll be interesting to see whether there's any backlash from various financial regulators around the world.

Crypto will definitely win!