Growing with interviews of real crypto use

in crypto •  6 years ago 

In this show John Gentry shares his plans for the interviewing of people who work on different projects, within the crypto field, and use crypto in everyday life. Feel free to visit the following links as discussed. and you cam also join the community at Kryptonia via

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Congratulations @exploretraveler ! You received a 10.60% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia for your task of 5000 SUP Today.

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Enjoyed this. Great to hear about the green in the markets today.

I’d be glad to be on your show sometime if you ever wanted a crypto perspective from Japan. I’m involved with the team at ALIS (the first blockchain based social media site in Japan) and also attend BCH meetups in Tokyo semi-frequently.

Cheers, and thanks for the great show!

Thanks we are putting a list together and will add you to it. Please send your contact info to [email protected] for our review.

Great! Thank you. I've just sent an email.

Awesome update good to see things moving forward

Thank you for sharing. Upvoted

Lovely post from kryptonia@everdope

gracias por compartir la información, kryptonia @reyos69

wow ETN is amazing excellent @joseleonardojose

I'm glad to watch this interview and the green light the bitcoin show today

Congratulations to you, wish you success here.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What can I say, everything they do is great, the whole page is great
@rocaxel ID Kryptonia

Thank you for sharing. Upvoted from kryptonia with the same name

Kryptonia @mrlopez

Good job.
Kryptona ID: @amiohi

My kryptonia ID: @mahathirohi

Lovin the posts!

Thank you so much for sharing . upvoted and resteemed by @joancabz kryptonia .

Wow amazing thank you so much for sharing as always . I hope this project will be successful .:) Good luck @anne0130 kryptonia

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Kryptonia @psi.acastillo

Great stuff

Great Work

Upvoted from @kryptonia

upvoted, great and refreshing post. my id is

Thanks, upvoted great and refreshing post. my id is @jamescrusader

delighted with your excellent work friends! Kryptonia ID Mariale

Thanks for sharing this post

Glad to hear this

Thank you and upvoted

upvoted and resteemed to spread the good news! :) God Bless everyone!

Great work sir. You re giving the best and its awesome.

Excellent post