crypto conference in Zug presentation

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

Together with some other Crypto enthusiasts we have decided to organize a small Crypto conference in one of the biggest ICO centers of the world. 

 The Crypto valley in Zug (that is Switzerland for those that did not know this)

Now why would we do that?  we have been organizing meetups for a while now and have come to the conclusion that a lot of the hype and myth has reached the local population but that this not always backed up with real knowledge.

We are convinced  that our focus should not be only on the 1% of the people who are already in, but on the 99% who are being ‘left-out’ and to also give them the opportunity to participate in a first-class live event at really affordable price.

This Crypto & Blockchain Conference is going to be organized as a public event revolving around the short and long term perspective that the digital currencies (cryptos) and blockchain revolution are bringing into the business and everyday lives of individuals and communities.

We are a group of enthusiasts, professionals, entrepreneurs and technologists that share the passion for this incredible opportunity.

Our goal is to bring the People *(really, anyone)* closer to this revolution that has already transformed the lives of so many individuals and is generating long-term opportunities for start-ups and established businesses.

We are a NON-PROFIT group and do not have ANY profit goal from the organization of this event which goes beyond creating networking opportunities and sharing knowledge and awareness.

We are also not affiliated with the Crypto Valley Association in any way and believe that both our ways of approaching the topic are beneficial for the blockchain space in general.

The full price of the admission tickets will be used to cover for the costs of venue and food for the duration of the conference. The same goes for any sponsoring that we receive for this conference *(anyone that is interested in sponsoring our event we are open to suggestions)*

Our 1st public event

“The Crypto & Blockchain Conference” (working title)

Is a 2-day event focusing on the diverse aspects of this digital revolution: the blockchain, the tokenization of assets, the use cases, the business opportunities but also the compliance and legal aspects.

To do this, and benefiting from the advantage of being located in the heart of the Crypto Valley (i.e. Zug) we are in contact with Crypto & Blockchain experts, entrepreneurs and institutions who share our vision (“99%”) to actively engage as guest speakers in our event.


Venue: Park Hotel Zug

When: June 12th & 13th

admission price without sponsoring: 250 CHF including lunch and drinks

  • - anyone that wants to contact us feel free to let me know here (there is limited space, we only have about 50 tickets left over)
  • - anyone that would like to join the conference can get in touch through a reply and we will get back to you

More details to follow soon... so follow to keep up to date.

these are also the meetup groups we are hosting and that spawned the idea for this conference

feel free to join and stop by

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Is there going to be a live stream?

I will try to set something up through dlive but we need to figure out logistics
but this is indeed foreseen

hi there
i'm a swisstemian from zurich
i'm interested about the whole event
do you have a website or how do I get more information?

hello Ray, for the moment our online presence is limited to the meetups and this announcement. we are working on a website and should have this up and running soon. We have some speakers confirmed already and are really looking forward to sharing more but I do not want to put something in writing and then have to retract it. But keep an eye out for updates in the next one or two weeks for sure

I wish i could attend such a one but am far away in Uganda. I belive Many people need to be sensitised about crypto. This is the best investment deal i would wish everyone to learn about.

Am inspired by your initiative, i hope to do the same here in my country as well.

Thanks @felander for sharing.

you are very welcome. We will try to provide a livestream so that you guys in Uganda can follow if you want and maybe serve as an inspiration for others to start their own initative

That will a great and kind thing of you. Looking forward to watching that live stream.

Cool! Keep us updated on the event!

will do, I will make a separate account for this and will also keep anyone interested updated on the progress.

There is a real demand for crypto currency in the real world? How many areas of cryptography have rooted in everyday life and in the thinking of every "citizen of the world"?

This question can not be answered clearly, because it is not known exactly how many people know about crypto-world currencies. It is not known exactly how many people will learn about it day by day, but the fact that they will find out for sure. Therefore, in a short period of time, the planet's population is fully aware of the latest technology that develops in the field of more intensive cryptographic audits. Is that bad? I can answer firmly that it is not innovation, it is an improvement of the world, the improvement of life, the comfort it is, it is something new, and something better than that.

and that is where we are trying to lend a hand by organizing events that allow for this to happen...
we work on improving of the world together

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ok, so this is a picture of some random conference
thanks I guess, a little more info would be appreciated

lol I was thinking the same

Great initiative, somehow also countering the cryptovalleyassociation one? Thats really cool you guys are doing this. I will get my act together and will hopefully join. Will check out the meet up. Thanks man

no, we actually had that question asked here as well. They can do their thing and we can ours and both are not competition in any sense. we are not mutually exclusive

Oh, so it's Zug for Switzerland like Oz is for Australia. Cool! I learned something new today.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

please do not spam in my posts, thanks