finding our path as a crypto association

in crypto •  7 years ago 


Finding our path.

With the @CryptoWorldZug group we have been achieving a lot of great things in this last half a year.

But now it is time to consolidate. We have had a lot of great opportunities presented to us but at some point you have to take a breather and take stock.

This is that time for us. We are now going to be moving from a small meetup to something that will hopefully be sustainable in the future and will provide opportunities not only for us but for all the members of the meetup and the association.

There are numerous options on the table as to what it is we should or could be doing and this week we will be brainstorming to find out which is important for us and for the future. How can we set up a sustainable educational business model here in the heart of the Crypto Valley?

There seems to be a big gap between the ones that are really into crypto and blockchain and then the ones that are interested but want to learn about it, either from investment or just to get to know what it is all about.

We are trying to bring those two groups together in a way that is rewarding in some sense for everyone.

We will also be uploading the videos from the conference on Dtube soon which is another thing I am really looking forward to.

We try to also actively bring new people to Steem, not as an investment but as active participants. Which is also why I kindly ask you to support our witness by following either of the links below:


or if you do not get all this witness stuff but trust that I do, you can proxy your vote to me through this link

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Do you guys have anything going on this week? I am here for a few more days in Zug. I'll be coming back though.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

we have a BBQ tomorrow by the lake if you want...

I will be there early to set stuff up and maybe even do a little bit of SUP, you are more then welcome to join us, always nice to get to know a fellow steemian

(bring your own food though, but we will be selling some drinks for funding)

or just contact me on discord @felander#5662

OK, should I bring own food to grill or just food in general?

we are going to fire up the grill but you just bring whatever you like to eat if you are not a BBQ fan.
I just wanted to say that we are not providing any food.

OK. I plan to come. I may bring a guest that's more new into Crypto. I went to the Crypto Valley Conference and was great! Did the stand up paddle boarding for a day also. CV (Zug) is awesome. I leave on Sunday so still have a few days left.

Now it says membership pending... what's the location?

did not see you there, hope everything is all right?

Vielen Dank. Yes, everything is fine. I was in Zurich with friends 4th of July celebration and was hoping to make back to the lake in time to meet you guys but ran out of time. I am going to the Tech Church Ethereum Meet-up on Saturday. Is there any more meet-ups you guys have going on? I saw a Crypto Valley Meetup for Entrepreneurs today.

Well, I hope you had a good celebration. The BBQ was fun though, relaxed and good atmosphere with some nice crypto talk and networking.
that other meetup is not from us. and the Tech crunch is sold out sadly, I would have liked to have gone there as well.

Are you involved in the crypto landscape in any way professionally? if so, please get in touch with me on discord @felander#5662, we might be able to help eachother.

on a side note. I see you have not cast any votes for any witness, is that with a reason?
because your support for my witness project would mean a lot.
or if you do not really care about all this witness stuff but trust that I do, you can proxy your vote to me through this link

sorry, I went to bed, I just approved the one pending one

and there is a pin with where it is

Good luck, waiting for all new!!

thank you and waiting for all new what?

Crypto world is finally going good now.. hopefully it carries on..
Keep steeming

You said well, blockchain is a word that many hear but not anyone actually understand.... it's not that immediate in the end so it's great to close that gap!