RE: Is The New $232 Million Ethereum EOS Token mostly hype?

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Is The New $232 Million Ethereum EOS Token mostly hype?

in crypto •  8 years ago 

Thanks for posting some very important details within the white pages of the EOS token sale.

  • I thought EOS is the only way to scale Ethereum, thats why they say it could kill them.

  • The way Ethereum is programed now it cant handle large transactions.

  • So don't you think EOS should become king?

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You have some good questions but no on all of them:

  1. EOS doesn't even exist until next year; after Jan 2018, then multiple block chains could use the EOS software, and they could be called may different names; EOS may not even be the name of the coin that wins out.
  2. Ethereum can't handle thousands of transactions a second, but it is constantly being updated by hundreds of programmers; by Jan 18th, it may be able to. Plus, Ethereum may just adopt any EOS techniques, assuming those are real and actually work. Same things goes for Bitcoin, with hundreds of core developers
  3. I don't think EOS Ethereum ERC20 subtokens are worth anything, except to the people at that got the ETH; it looks like quite a list of people at but there are no bios on anyone on the page, it could just be a made up list of people with Dan Larimer at the top middle; either way, if you read the disclaimer and the faq, they certainly don't stand behind this work, whoever is doing it, as they have said directly it is worth nothing, it represents nothing, and there is no guarantee of anything... for something that is so incredible, why are they so unwilling to back it up... I mean they could at least say they guarantee 1% of it to be accurate, and they guarantee 1% of your EOS ERC20 subtokens will transfer to actual EOS platform tokens... they don't even guarantee 1%! I think it is great, I think people need to grow up and learn to read things, not have gangs of criminals (governments) "protecting" them. And if it turns out they keep their word, that will be great too... just not sure why they don't even guarantee 1%... plus who are all these people... did Dan meet them at a party? Why doesn't he introduce them? Why is Dan wearing such a cheap wrinkled shirt and looking all bedraggled? Do they have him trapped somewhere in the Cayman Islands, forcing him to forge white-papers that they can't guarantee? screenshot - Copy (2).png

Hello @steemir, How old are you? forgive me if I am wrong about your age? but you must be pretty young or have not done much investing?

All companies put those disclaimer in, they never promise shit.

Also, when doing contracts or discussing contracts there is something known as NON DISCLOSURE, if Dan or anyone talks to much about the deal he could be sued.

Even Steemit has a disclaimer and promise nothing.

I agree with you that the subtoken is worthless at present time but has a high probability of becoming a rising asset. or platform token

Be well mate.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Age has nothing to do with it; what is your IQ? Can you read contracts, or you just trust hype articles when every snake oil salesman comes along. I don't care how old you are, what matters is, can you reason? I have dealt with hundreds of contracts, and invented things on my own, and deal constantly with startups; first off, non-disclosures are COMPLETELY WORTHLESS... they protect nothing. Anyone that signs one, could easily tell someone else, and that person could go and do the idea, and there would be no tracing it back to the first person. As for Dan being sued, anybody can be sued for anything, you don't even need proof... but it is not like he is being secretive, he put all the details in the white paper, right?.... or least made them all up.
The EOS subtoken is worthless now other than people that want to buy it for around $1; anything is worthless unless someone wants it. It has no probability of becoming a platform token, as they have their money, so where is the incentive for them to do anything? They could just pack up and go home now, as their legal agreement says they owe nothing and promise nothing... they can be sued for nothing, as they are promising nothing. If you think that is a great investment, then by all means, do it. You don't sound like you want to. Something can go up in price just because of hype, but as for actual value it represents, even if this is put into a blockchain, it isn't connected to this token. Health is wealth though, you got that right.
I wouldn't call this investing, I would call this gambling... when you go to into a casino, are you an investor?