Decent.Bet is Rolling Out Their Mainnet Soon. Take a Peak at the Slots.

in crypto •  7 years ago 

This is Mainnet Month for Decent.Bet and They are Letting Us See Some of The Games!

Space Man.

Mount Crypto.

Crypto Chaos.

What is Decent.Bet?

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Such cool new ways to utilize crypto. Very exciting. I'm glad #kyrptonia is involved.

Hope it would be good. I'm a long term investor.

I can't wait for DBET and thanks for telling me about Kryptonia!

Kryptonia rocks!!! Dbet = Lambo/Moon

Spaceman looks pretty awesome!

Very good job i saw a huge rise yesterday i mean at least 30% wow that's great hehehe i bought some coins at 0.07 USD :). Regards

Boom, Congratulations!

Have always loved to gamble,;i wish i could use my sbd to gamble once a while and make some gain... lol

Trade them for DBET's and you will be able to :)

Thanks and telling us about some cool games. The crypto game mount was pretty fun to me, it was some unique feature which was more enjoyable in the game.

playing casino games online is more fun that any other games.

I think the crypto chaos is amazing

I love to play decent bet related gaming... Thanks for sharing update @hilarski

Very good job i saw a huge rise yesterday i mean at least 30% wow that's great hehehe i bought some coins at 0.07 USD :). Regards it would be good. I'm a long term investor.

Mount Crypto game was pretty much fun to me. I enjoyed that, cause it had some unique feature which made the game more enjoyable. Thanks @hilarski for this amazing information and telling us about some cool games.

game industry is growing fast.. thaks for let us know about kryptonia and SP. IT A GREAT WAY with a lot of future
thanks for

I've only played pokemon red many years ago before my son could read and I had to help him. I am really not a game player online or in person. But if crypto is into it - I'm all for it. The more mass adoption - the better.

I'm coming to you from @kryptonia with the same user name. - so glad to see you there!

Wow i really love DBET online crypto games platform because it helps to earn more online.....thanks for sharing i found you on Kryptonia

Wow it means time to grab some more before opportunity goes :D

Thank for share :) . i passed for twitter as well...

i came here from @kryptonia task , same username :)

Big news about the main net its going to explode in price

This is new stuff. Looks very interesting. coming to kryptonia

Great post dude! @pavonj from Kryptonia.

This is a completely new world to me. Will have to do some reading.

From Kryptonia

But you offer so many Superior Coins I cannot afford to ignore you... :-)

Yes @hilarski is a very generous man.....Kudos to him

Upvoted by socialmediaseo @ Kryptonia

Crypto Chaos is awesome , this is more fun and better than other.

Space man was so cool i liked that : )

Buenos dias @hilarski , este token no para de recibir buenas noticias , asi que creo que faltando pocos dias para el lanzamiento de su mainnet,el precio se ira a las nubes .
Feliz dia :)

It is up 50% in a week.

50% in a week is really very high and am happy to know more about this platform

Very interesting platform

Thanks for sharing, I love the games.

A casino is a fun and thrilling game. Have a nice day. cheers!

hey sir @hilarski
that's amazing information about cryptocurrency.
bet .
love it...sensation


I think it is helpful for me.That well to be able to learn on the subject...tnx for sharing this information.I waiting for your next post...

What a wonderful thing to do...I love contests, it is very helpful...Thanks for sharing with us...

can you tell me more deeply about decentbet.

its a gambeling site no im knowing for you sir.
thank you

I Agree with you moon girl its a really gambeling site no im knowing for Sir.

thank you sir letting us about the update of

Thank You so much Sir for throwing information about decentbet . It was really helpful, appreciate about your valuable and informative update.

I love this game sir

wow really nice post..


nice game , definetly worth a try :)

Outstanding post and amazing photos. Thank you for sharing

download (11).jpg

Great project thank you for this update @hilarski:)

when is dbet going to be out...kryptonia@everdope
