Ok Ok, I Admit it I Love My Shitcoins! Check if You Do To.

in crypto •  7 years ago 


Often People Criticize Shitcoiners But I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way.

Even though I own King Bitcoin and have held some since my first purchase in 2014 I prefer to trade Shitcoins. Yes, it is not easy to be a Shitcoin trader but I like to live by the seat of my pants. Bitcoin just doesn't give me the thrills. I guess I am a Shitcoin junky!

Cookie Monster Understands.

I Know There are Others.

If you have a Shitcoin addiction please comment below. If you are not sure. Head on over to this website DoIOwnaShitcoin.com


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I just can't bring myself to call them that...

Let go-the site is the truth!

Shitcoins are what most traders swing trade with daily just to make some profit from, I like the website mention above because it is used to analyzed if a certain coin is a shitcoin or not hahaha 😀😀

I didn't know that steem comes under that category, lol. Let's just hold it.

cryptocurrency is high risk high return plan hold it

Pot coin = You're deeper in shit than your plumber😂😂😂😍

HODL gang on steem nahhh im BUYER GANG!

ouch, double posting issues again in steemit :(

yeah it had a really long transaction time. Its not as bad as it was a few months ago you couldnt post or anything for about two days it was like the world was going to end!

It's a shitcoin world

Brother, you really understand the truth.

What are your favorite shitcoins?

I Used to be addicted to the schiesscoins myself, I have since consolidated a bit and all the happier for it.

those are the shits that make the money in trading so shit coin is love too :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Let's make an assumption: I buy 1000$ worth of BTC at the current price. In order to double/triple my money I will have to wait for the next bull run whenever that will be. If I gave that 1000$ to a shitcoin with some good prospects I would make 10K in no time.
The conclussion: shitcoins matter

Hell yeah we all have a bunch of shitcoins and I like em! At first, for filling dem wallets. You like paintaings on your wall right? Well then you also like a decent shitcoin to fill your wallet with, decent coins need some shitcoins to hang around with.

And always somwhere that voice in the head we be saying, you never know if one day it gets value (or some sucker decides to buy them from me)

god post

Shitcoins will give amazing profits no matter what tags they carry at the end of the day profits are importent.