On this week’s episode: We're off to the races.
~ The market is red
~ PundiX point of sale systems
~ * Sharding vs. Sidechains *
~ some EOS main net stuff
~ and Shout-outs from Blockchain Northwest
Pundi X (https://www.pundix.com)
A point of sale merchant payment system which allows customers to buy poducts - as well as crypto.
Just an amazing tool for tracking what the market is doing with better transparency.
SCMR Suite of tools for more effective charting and trading - https://scrmtrends.com
= A few FAQs =
From Ben Sigman @bensig https://medium.com/@bensig/eos-voting-faq-f4c5b8906900
=Who we met at BlockChain Northwest=
SAIBABA TALLURI (Sai) VP, GLOBAL STRATEGY at Ceek.com also Co-Founder of https://www.disruptrs.co
( https://www.linkedin.com/in/talpa-saibaba-talluri-v-s-1926313/ )
Ceek is an award winning developer of premium social virtual and augmented reality experiences. CEEK simulates the experience of attending a live concert, being in a classroom, attending a sporting event from anywhere at anytime.
Disruptrs is a Monthly Web Series to showcase innovative companies globally with in the tech space, enabling them to accelerate in to the market quicker.
Paul Burke Co-Founder at https://www.RentHoop.com and https://www.RntX.io ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/pburke24/ )
RentHoop shows you potential roommates whom you have mutual friends and interests with. See budget, work history, deal-breakers and other things you'd want to know about somebody you're going to live with before you talk with them.
EZHILARASAN NATARAJAN (EZ) FOUNDER & CEO at https://www.CoreStack.io (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ezhiln/ )
- WTF does this stuff do? we have no idea.
To be perfectly honest the problems EZ is solving are on a technical level we can’t even pretend to understand. Really cool guy and had some great conversation about blockchain tech… but he’s out of our league.