The inter-twining of peer-to-peer file sharing, blockchain technology and AI technology for improved and decentralized Content distribution - The NOIA Protocol

in crypto •  6 years ago  (edited)

The conventional peer-to-peer file sharing algorithm, allows for different users to quickly and easily transfer files and data, from one point to another using a shared intranet connection grid. This is an improvement of the normal data sharing system through singular servers to a large number of receivers.

Peer-to-peer file sharing seems to enable speedy access to information as every member of the shared grid contributes a particular percentage of processing power to keep the grid up and running.

Similarly, blockchain technology also allows for hosting of data in several inter-connectable grids by users called “nodes”. This nodes serves as “potential servers” allowing the speedy flow of data from the source to the end-users.

Blockchain technology allows for data to be stored in blocks which are immutable and interconnected through piles of transactions connected to each other in chains of algorithmic processes.

AI Technology is currently one of the most utilized technology in the world as we speak, large corporations and institutions are incorporating machine learning systems to improve the way they interact with clients, customers and partners, the AI Industry is effective in commanding large sales and services for business as the algorithm have proven to be effective.

Moreover, just like anything else, the internet is in serious need of a revolutionizing, several innovations coming up on the Internet of Things, including online video gaming platforms, media sharing platforms, news and audio/visual interaction websites, there is need for effective improvement on Content delivery ecosystem of the internet.

Because of the urgent need for improvements and innovations for the internet, there came the CDN Technologies, with Content Distribution Networks, a group of connected servers set up in several geographically distributed “Point-Of-Presence” centers usually in data centers are utilized to ensure effective caching of data in order to deliver faster contents across the internet infrastructure.

However, the cost associated with CDN Technology is enormous and would not allow start-ups with innovative ideas and projects to enter into the Content Distribution Industry due to the high cost of service and maintaining of these servers.

This high cost of running servers are seen in the high prices of web hosting services and content delivery by service providers causing enormous challenges including increase in latency and load time,low speed and performance for these internet services.

There is a need for an effective means of Content delivery that would ensure faster connectivity,high efficiency with lower cost and high performances.

Introducing NOIA Network – An All-In-One Solution to the Content Delivery System.

NOIA Network is a Decentralized platform that ensures effective Content Distribution, by utilizing peer-to-peer technology and AI Technology with blockchain technology base.

By utilizing peer-to-peer technology, NOIA Network makes it possible for servers to be run in form of “nodes” by peers in a decentralized manner, therefore by utilizing unused processing powers of users storage, NOIA Network creates a larger network of POPs, ensuring effective distribution of contents across the internet.

Peer-to-peer technology allows for improved features including less latency and load-time, increase in speed and delivery,low cost and stability to the marketplace.

NOIA Network , incorporate Peer-to-peer technology with AI technology to create an effective Content Scaling Layer, in which files are cached effectively and delivered in a faster means.
AI Technology incorporates routing options for web services, optimized caching and data allocations, and better strategies for demand prediction based on users search and online history, all in real-time.

By using blockchain technology as base platform, NOIA Network ensures effective decentralization. This ensures the transfer of data in the most secure and autonomous means, thereby ensuring that nodes being run by users are from different POPs can effectively serve as servers for the ecosystem.

NOIA Architecture

NOIA Network Architecture is built on two structural algorithms:

• Content Scaling Layer
• Governance layer
These two elements works hand in hand to ensure that the entire architecture delivers super inter-connectivity and value for the entire ecosystem.

The Content Scaling layer serves as the technological backbone of the platform, while the Governance Layer determines how value is been distributed within the platform.

Content Scaling Layer is a conglomerate of peer-to-peer technology, AI Technology and Blockchain Technology, creating an effective Content Distribution Network of nodes and decentralized POPs, while the Governance Layer is a set of Smart Contracts that defines the NOIA Token as the token of value in the NOIA Ecosystem and determines how NOIA Tokens are distributed among, master and worker nodes, websites and users in the NOIA platform.

Content Scaling Layer Comprises of two Major Technologies, on which it is built on:
• Peer-to-peer file sharing technology
• AI (Machine Learning) technology
Content Scaling Layer utilizes both p2p content scaling protocol and proprietary mathematical algorithms and pattern recognition of AI to handle requests (merging requests), content caching (smart caching), fastest-route discovery, and network traffic prediction and anticipation.

CSL Stack – Combining Centralization and Decentralization in a whole New Ecosystem

CSL Stack is a compilation of several softwares that makes up layers upon layers of the network infrastructure.
CSL Stack incorporates CSL Cloud Controller Model as a single centralized control center for other CSL Layers in NOIA Network, while CSL DAO Concept Model is a fully decentralized organization with autonomous self-imposed governance.
Combining both CSL Cloud Controller Model and CSL DAO Concept Model, NOIA Network plans on bypassing the several flaws incumbent in both systems and to create a viable product which is scalable across centralized and decentralized systems.

The ineffectiveness of centralized systems and immature effects a decentralized infrastructure would imply on NOIA Network solution is curbed by inter-twinning both systems, making use of their benefits, thereby ensuring a complete effective platform geared toward excellent, fast and secure content delivery.

The CSL Cloud Controller/ DAO Concept Model is the basic layer of the CSL Stack, which instructs the Master Nodes on how to efficiently utilize the worker nodes to cache and deliver data effectively, ensures adequate quality of service to websites and serves as an authorization interface, ensuring that Masternodes comply to the directives of the governance layer and fishes out faulty or malicious masternodes, thereby ensuring overall efficiency of he entire NOIA Network Architecture.
Some features of CSL Cloud Controller/ DAO Concept Model includes:
• Authorization
• Selection and load balancing
• Content scaling commands and
• Quality of service control


    CSL only stores data for an optimal time moving dynamically throughout a swarm of data and adapt to traffic variability, allowing CSL to scale and distribute data among different locations based on peaking demand.

_These are the key features that allow NOIA to serve not only as a network of content delivery, but more importantly - a network of bandwidth optimization and content scaling.

    CSL utilizes AI Technology, leveraging on the proprietary mathematical algorithms and machine learning to predict traffic and content maximization.
    CSL leverages on AI Technology to predict and optimize traffic routes, contents demand based on historical data and file popularity based on metadata and content itself, all in real-time.

    By reducing the amount of data spent on content delivery through CSL caching of user data, NOIA Network enforces cheaper and secure content distribution, with geographically distributed nodes, ensuring closeness to both the source and users,significantly decreasing the number of requests directed to the storage back-ends, thereby reducing costs for use and maintenance of servers.

    NOIA Network was built, not to compete with existing centralized content distribution networks but has interoperable features which can be utilized to improve these platforms and enhance their services,also enabling reduction in cost of service delivery, ensuring profit maximization and making rooms for innovation.

NOIA Network can effectively be incorporated with major content delivery systems including Amazon services, microsoft , Google Cloud Platform, etc.

With its lightweight architecture and ease of setup, Incorporating NOIA Network Architecture would be a relatively simple process and would effectively ensure improvement and optimization of the services of any service provider that chooses to incorporate the infrastructure.


NOIA Network infrastructure can be effectively implemented on every platform that delivers all kinds of contents across the internet, the architecture is simple to use, easy to understand and innovative, Some examples of platforms that would need NOIA Network Platform includes:

  1. Video Gaming Platform:
    With the plethora of data consumption needed to effectively deliver video graphical illustrations by this platforms, it stems to note that incorporating NOIA Network infrastructure would be an effective means to deliver great contents to their users and still minimize costs in webhosting, bandwidths and data storage for the platforms.
  2. File-sharing and data download platforms:
    File-sharing and download platforms, could leverage on NOIA Network’s AI Technology’s effective caching and routing optimization to deliver contents to their users in a fast and secure means.
  3. Internet of Things:
    Corporate News and Large Data sharing companies, startups engaged in data storage,Content Distribution Networks, image and audio streaming platforms, and the entire internet of things can utilize the conglomerate of NOIA Network features to deliver a better internet to their clients and customers, thereby enforcing a better and decentralized internet infrastructure for everyone.


NOIA Tokens is the token of value for the NOIA Network Ecosystem, it is an ERC223 Compliant TOKEN (ERC20 Compatible) based on the ethereum blockchain, which would serve the entire NOIA Network infrastructure as two basic elements:

  1. As a sign of value, which can be transferred between users, nodes and website owners
  2. As a means of Network Governance, for rewarding productive works and penalizing malicious works
    NOIA Token is conditioned in such a way that a single NOIA Token is equivalent to 5GB of data transfer, ultimately the value of the NOIA Token would be determined by the decentralized autonomous community, starting with the ICO Price.


Since NOIA Tokens is an ethereum based tokens, a simple ethereum wallet would serve as a store for NOIA Tokens,NOIA team will alternatively have a provision for an improved Cloud based account with more functionalities, including mining pools.

video introduction

NOIA Network Use of funds



Technical Team:

Business Team:

Technical Advisors


To join the NOIA Testnet

Sign up on NOIA Network dashboard and complete your KYC application in order to get approved and therefore qualify for the Airdrop.
Download and install the NOIA software from the GitHub Page.
In order to qualify for the weekly Airdrop, your node:
Must be properly configured (ETH address in KYC application must be the same as the ETH address in your Node settings).
Must have the 7676 port opened. To check if it is opened, go to Node settings — check port — change port number from 80 to 7676 — hit check.
Must be up and running for at least 72 hours a week (aggregate time).
Timer resets every Friday at 12 pm UTC.
then start running the nodes and accumulating the tokens, even without kyc.
You have to login to your NOIA Dashboard, get your referral link and share with your friends to earn more tokens..

More Information & Resources:

NOIA Network Website
NOIA WhitePaper
NOIA Telegram
NOIA Medium
NOIA ICO Token Sale
NOIA Facebook
NOIA Twitter
NOIA Reddit
NOIA Youtube Channel

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You got a 26.55% upvote from @booster courtesy of @crypto.piotr!

Thx for getting some more clarity about the technical structure of the NOIA network, i have missed that from many other reviews!

i hope you enjoyed it sir, if i may ask, have you tried out NOIA Testnet? what do you think about it?

So I wanted to ask, why do they need the testnet?

Same question I wanted to ask also. Will be glad if answered. Thank you!

Whats the difference?

Okay,since both of you asked the same question,i would answer it from here.

Testnets are already created platform meant to be used as a means to test out the main platform and to ensure that all the functionalities are effectively utilized and to debug the entire system making it possible for all flaws to be checked and corrected before the official launch.

Good review of the project. A personal element would be nice, what do you think that NOIA could do to benefit you in your life or somebody you know? I think adding a personal touch to all the technicality would make this even better!
Have you checked out my review and others?

thanks @cmplxty for your nice comments,

Personally i am a video freak, i learn more with videos, during my website design training and graphics training too, i used mostly youtube videos to learn, imagine having NOIA Network available for this kind of training facilities, you get my point?

It sounds like it could certainly benefit your situation.

Lol.... Which situation if I may ask? I might love to have same situation 👌👌😁

@iamchijamz you are good reviewer.

His situation being that he relies heavily on video content. With NOIA that video content could be sped up considerably via increased worker nodes in close proximity to him.

@iamchijamz, you and me both. I learn faster and better with video tutorials. It's the usual audio visual edge videos have always had.

Videos works just fine for me too

NIOA Is a nice platform with so many features have read a number of review but i would say this is great.
You have help in highlighting the importance in a simple language
Nice work @iamchijamz

Thank you very much @uraniumdavid, NOIA Network is something worth having and i believe simplifying it for people to understand would be a great way to vy for global adoption, don't you think so too?

Yeah that's right
I can see a bright future with NIOA

I have read this and I think it really is a nice platform. Chijamz put in a lot of effort compiling this

Posted using Partiko Android

You have done a very complete review, you have achieved each one of the points that define the project!
At this point, I would like to focus on a case of potential use, Which I have imagined!

It seems to me that the owner of a 'Cyber ​​Coffe' or Connection Center, which has 25 machines, to serve the public, can participate with each machine as a node, and earn much more money, while their machines would have a better performance!
What do you think?

Well, thanks for sharing @iamchijamz!
I wish you luck!
Hopefully more use cases, in the forum ...

Hi @nachomolina, do you own a Computer connection center? this would be a great way for you to earn too, by running NOIA Testnet and earning tokens for it too.

The NOIA token earned, is it tradable?

This is indeed a awesome review. With this I can say NOIA seems to be a promising platform
Thanks for this review

I love the optimized use of the NOIA network where everyone gets a chance to access better and efficient CDN. Hence I love what it offers including incentives for storage places. AI revolution is what the digital world needs at the moment. Nice article @iamchijamz

Mate, I am impressed by the quality of your work! This is an excellent review of the NOIA project, and it is clear there is a lot of research and hours of effort in this massive article.

Congratulations and thanks for sharing this content with the community.


Thanks @dedicatedguy, i have been following you for a while now, i really admire your work and i have been learning from you too, i was gladdened when i saw you here, thanks for dropping by sir, i really appreciate.

I appreciate your kind words!

Yes @dedicatedguy, you said it just the way it is. @iamchijamz has done it again. A.k.a the magical writer. Shhh 🏃🏃🏃🏃

He did huge justice to it. Maybe writing this post would have taken me 4 months .Lol

Hey @iamchijamz

That's quite an interesting article on NOIA. I did read a few articles on NOIA and you have dived quite deep. I am getting to hear more and more about people joining their testnet and already benefitting in terms of the native tokens. I think about 200 every week. That's cool money!

With a computer which is any way idling putting it on NOIA makes so much sense. So, thanks for the article buddy!

yes, you are very correct, NOIA Network gives one an opportunity to earn passive income as the day goes, this is a very wonderful platform that will surely last the test of time.

Passive income is the best for life. This is an amazing project, I must say.

Nice write up bro, hope it will be a huge success:)

thanks bro, hope you are running NOIA Testnet?

I'll be working on it as soon as possible. Using the steps you've said.

Hi @iamchijamz

Another great piece of work my dear friend.

By now NOIA Network is already quite well known here on Steemit and I have no doubts that they represent what we all wish for: solid and dedicated team, professional approach and product that may actually benefit blockchain.

Plus anyone can earn decent reward (something around 200 tokens a week) by just joining their testnet program:

Again, great review.


very well @crypto.piotr,
I wish to thank you specially for making me know about NOIA Network and motivating this review, i had first joined the airdrop and gotten some tokens too, i didn't know there was much more to understand and learn, now with the testnet online, there is still much to learn and earn from NOIA Network.

once again thanks

Its actually professional and dedicated. The reward part and structure is also mind blowing.

Very good review on this project. I have kept my eye on NOIA for a long time now and also have followed some articles and reviews about this project. Kinda looks promising in my opinion. Thanks for sharing!

thanks @bumshak, this project is definitely the real deal, thanks for coming around too.

Great insight @iamchijamz
I have read a lot of reviews on NOIA, and i will say, this is nice. My questions are can i use more than one computer with same registration and earn more, or do i need to register differently for all computers to earn from each one

by utilizing unused processing powers of users storage

What if after i had register with NOIA and then my computer memory get used up by me, will i still receive payments?

Great write @iamchijamz @ogt

Hi @ogt, let me try to answer your questions with my level of understanding


can i use more than one computer with same registration and earn more, or do i need to register differently for all computers to earn from each one

you need to register different computers differently as they all serves as different nodes on their own, but if you are using a thin client, that would be impossible because they all share the same CPU.


What if after i had register with NOIA and then my computer memory get used up by me, will i still receive payments?

i do not think this would be possible (because the loads are shared across the nodes), but in the case it happens, you still receive payments for work done, its the blockchain technology, and everything is recorded. hope you get my point?

Thanks for a wonderfully reply, i get your point

You're welcome sir, get on with NOIA Network and enjoy this new era of decentralized Internet

Don't mind my too many questions, how can someone earn from this apart from testnet

Great review my friend @iamchijamz.

AI Technology is currently one of the most utilized technology in the world as we speak, large corporations and institutions are incorporating machine learning systems to improve the way they interact with clients, customers and partners, the AI Industry is effective in commanding large sales and services for business as the algorithm have proven to be effective.

Moreover, just like anything else, the internet is in serious need of a revolutionizing, several innovations coming up on the Internet of Things, including online video gaming platforms, media sharing platforms, news and audio/visual interaction websites, there is need for effective improvement on Content delivery ecosystem of the internet.

Very well pointed my friend. NOIA is not coming with very helpful idea but it coming with revolutionary technology too. This project is combination of AI and Blockchain.

I never seen the project which made to help people and not only that but they are also providing reward for that. 200 tokens weekly - this is great.

This project will get great success for sure.

Once again great article my friend.
Thank You for sharing such a nice article with us.

hi @flash07, thank you so much for dropping by, i hope you have been enjoying your own share of NOIA Testnet tokens?

@iamchijamz..... You are always killing it when it comes to creating quality content most especially reviews about NOIA Network. I have actually learnt alot from your write up and I must say you've done a very great job to come up with this great post.

The ineffectiveness of centralized systems and immature effects a decentralized infrastructure would imply on NOIA Network solution is curbed by inter-twinning both systems, making use of their benefits, thereby ensuring a complete effective platform geared toward excellent, fast and secure content delivery.

I really love this method adopted by NOIA developers because they were able to make use of CSL Cloud Controller Model and CSL DAO Concept Model to enable the system perform some special tasks.

I can't really wait to join the testnet and I also can't wait to be part of NOIA.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla in courtesy of @crypto.piotr 💗😁🙌😉

hi @hardaeborla, nice seeing you here, go on and join NOIA Testnet, you will really enjoy it, if you have any challenges, let me know.

NOIA is eveywhere on Steemit, Already making waves, soon their nodes will be also and they'll be starting a revolution already. Niceee!

yes boss,NOIA is the real deal

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Resteemed and upvoted... As always, we'll make sure the NOIA network takes it rightful place.

Thanks to @crypto.piotr

I have looked deeply into NOIA. I always appreciate when I am inspired by an article that causes me to focus on its AI applications. I believe blockchain and AI are made for each other. Will NOIA play a pivotal role in this regard, IDK. I am glad to be here in the early stages and see what becomes of the NOIA network.

Thanks for the words @iamchijamz. Look forward to reading more of your stuff.

Great concept, you got my interest

This is a very good review of the project
Kudos to you.

Yeah. Excellent review. I'm impressed with the way he approached the work

It's good to know I'm not the only one impressed by this review. There are indeed few writers out there who can do something as amazing as this

I am not suprised to see I'm not the only one wowed.

@iamchijamz, Wow, you really described this well, I have been reading other articles and reviews on this, they were too technical for my liking

Awesome review mate. You really did justice to all here. Upvoted and Resteemed for more visibility

Exactly. I'm resteeming this too
More people got to see about this. It's truly amazing

@iamchijamz you have nicely explained how the project is a nice balance of p2p sharing and AI to create a unique project.
A nicely written post indeed .

thanks @timetravelerz, nice having you around

Yeah. Don't know how he does it, but he really gets the details down.

You got a 14.43% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @crypto.piotr!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

One of the best reviews I've read on NOIA. Good way of portraying this project. Well done.

@iamchijamz, I just wish I could write like this. This is an excellent and amazing review. I'm so impressed by this. Nice one bro.

My guy, am amazed the way how he reviewed it

Hahahaha. I also wish same. 😄😄😄😄. He's such a talento

Posted using Partiko Android

Beautiful...I am glad i saw this

Yeah, really beautiful

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Another wonderful one here @iamchijamz

I am personally awed by the kind of technological philosophy NOIA practices as you wrote and I quote:
"NOIA Network was built, not to compete with existing centralized content distribution networks but has interoperable features which can be utilized to improve these platforms and enhance their services,also enabling reduction in cost of service delivery, ensuring profit maximization and making rooms for innovation.
That is one hell of a selfless philosophy which is quit£ rare to come by in or around this time of different sorts of technical firms like it itself and the competing trait that naturally follows or flows in the system of every business. That is quite kind of NOIA for considering others not for competition but for the sake of advancement through more and more discoveries in this wise. You the best #NOIA.

Plus, how more can I react at this piece other than to relate based on this inference that... "Some examples of platforms that would need NOIA Network Platform includes: Video Gaming Platform: With the plethora of data consumption needed to..."

This reminds me of two experiences. One was yestreen when I was with a friend. We wanted to play multiplayer mode on a PS4 but we couldn't why? It is internet oriented. Meaning, that mode is meant to work with another player, plausibly in another continent entirely or so so a strong bandwidth which would enable speedy exchange of data is needed but we didn't have that in sufficiency check. So, we had to skip that option. But bless the NOIA, there is where it could fit in.

Thanks for taking your time to do this. Thanks @crypto.poitr too for everything.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Awesome! NOIA has definitely got it all.

Wonderful article, it got my interest

I like the fact that NOIA serves as a sign of value, which can be transferred between users, nodes and website owners

Really enlightening post... Wow

Just couldnt take my eyes off this review

Yeah its really mesmerizing

A well detailed review this is. You really explained the idea behind this project thereby drawing my attention to it. Good job!

Same stuff i noticed about the article he wrote and i find that reliable.

Wonderful review about this project, the backbone of disributed internet

This was worth my time, mighty applause to you, you did justice to this.

This was worth my time,
Mighty applause to you, you
Did justice to this.

                 - photon18

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

This is some great analysis you got here
I look forward to the idea of this project becoming realistic.

Can't wait too. Projects with such creativity are not so commonplace after all

You've always had neatly constructed posts and educative in all aspects like you know exactly the next question the person reading will ask

He really constructed it really nice that you would have no questions after reading through

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome content,well calssified and stated... I doubt if i have any questions on this considering the fact that you took your time obviously to state everything i think is needed to know

Nice and specific article,keep it up

How do these NOIA people make their own money?

Yh. I think knowing the answer to that would even prove to be more illuminating

what an excellent piece of writing and review
nice job bro

I've heard of this NOIA last month, I think it was from you, but this one she's more light on the project, we are all in for this. Best project so far from what I've read.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is very educating bro.. I think I will give it a try!

I like the fact that it saves data, and the fact that it drops token without KYC is even super dope.

it is a nice review, read all through...

I'm with you on that one

The benefits and applications of NOIA strike me the most and I am confident that NOIA beats all odds.

Some features of CSL Cloud Controller/ DAO Concept Model includes:
• Authorization
• Selection and load balancing
• Content scaling commands and
• Quality of service control

These are great features to have in place!

Kudos for this awesome write up @iamchijamz

Wow this is amazing. NOIA Network is really something worth having. People sure need to understand when its simplified. By so doing, it will be adopted by many.

P2p integrated with AI technology.. That's a banger!

Wow. I really must join in on this one. It's a very nice concept.

Wow. I really must
Join in on this one. It's a
Very nice concept.

                 - detoye

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Interesting article
I have learned alot about a new technology like NOIA , NOIA will obviously revolutionise the way we share information. I just hope it can be adopted for different use cases

So many blockchain applications are appearing everyday.

I'd like to see how NOIA will change things. Project sounds interesting.