The Largest Selection of Cryptocurrency Hard Wallets!

in crypto •  3 years ago 

With all the volatility in the crypto market, you need an external hardware wallet today!


Just look at Coinbase and Luna, and these are only a few of many to come when cryptocurrencies are regulated.

In these times of extreme uncertainty in the crypto markets, I would like to provide small-word-of advice.
First, simply "get your crypto off the exchanges." If you are still holding assets on an exchange, the rewards are not worth the risk, in my estimation. In the meantime, if you are looking for safe storage for your digital currency(ies) and NFTs, please check out my Uglycrypto shop below.

I have several brands of the leading cold storage wallets in aggregate and I am providing a consolidated source that you WILL NOT find anywhere else. If you have any questions, please post them here, and I will respond in due time.

Also, for what it's worth, you should seriously consider the ongoing challenges with the worldwide supply-chain shortages when determining the benefits of a crypto hard wallet. And as things currently stand, "Trezor" has informed me they expect prices to continue to rise due to circuitry/chip shortages. As you can imagine, it's a guessing game about which shortfalls will be next, but I am sure we can all agree that the problems will get much worse before they get better. So again, if you purchase, you have my gratitude, and in return, you will have peace of mind.

So be smart and have an achievable strategy to protect your assets. After all, you can't buy Versace Suit and complain because you have dry clean it. Best of luck, and thank you for your visit. God Bless.

Check out my Uglycrypto Shop Here!!

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