You'll Never Believe How I Became a Cryptocurrency Millionaire

in crypto •  2 years ago 

I was sitting in my living room and I was enjoying my day off from work when I got a phone call that turned my life upside down. A guy named Mike, whom I met at the gym, called me up to let me know he made $4,000 the previous week trading cryptocurrencies and wanted to let me in on it too. I had no idea what he was talking about but decided to meet with him anyway out of curiosity. He proceeded to tell me all about cryptocurrency mining and how he's making thousands of dollars per week doing it.

Don't Get Caught Up in the Hype

Sure, cryptocurrencies are exciting, but it's important to keep things in perspective. It's possible to lose money buying cryptocurrency if you invest at too high of a price. Bitcoin went from $10 to $30 per coin in April 2013 and then crashed down to just about $100 per coin by August 2014. This means if you bought around $1,000 worth of Bitcoin at its peak in December 2017, you would have lost over half your investment by February 2018 (roughly 6 months later). The cryptocurrency market is risky and unpredictable. Don't put more into it than you can afford to lose. If investing in cryptocurrency seems like a good idea, talk with an expert first. An experienced professional will be able to tell you whether or not you're taking on too much risk for your level of experience and time commitment.

Invest In What You Know, Not What Everybody Else Thinks is Hot
So you’ve decided that you want to invest in cryptocurrencies. Great! First things first, don’t invest anything you aren’t comfortable losing (and remember it is indeed possible to lose money with cryptocurrencies). But, if you are serious about making money with cryptos, here are two rules of thumb to help maximize your chances of success: 1) Invest only what you can afford to lose, and 2) Don’t listen to what other people think is hot; instead, trust your own research and instincts. If they say they know better than you—and they should be able to prove it by showing some gains—then go ahead and take their advice. Otherwise, listen only to yourself. Your gut is usually right. Trust it. After all, you know more about yourself than anyone else does. And never forget that being a millionaire isn’t all about how much money you have, but rather how much value you create for others (including future generations). By putting capital into crypto assets today, you could literally become a millionaire tomorrow... or at least see your net worth rise exponentially over time.

Understand Tax Implications
The IRS treats cryptocurrencies as property for tax purposes, meaning your gains and losses are calculated just like stocks. Here’s an example: Let’s say you buy one cryptocurrency for $500 dollars and sell it a week later for $600. You would have to pay capital gains tax on that $100 dollar profit (if you aren't subject to special tax rules). Even though trading cryptos is considered day trading and is taxed more heavily than other asset classes, they can still be an effective way to grow wealth over time by making smart trades at opportune times. That said, always do your research and consult with your accountant before investing in any type of investment product. Also, keep in mind that many exchanges won't let you withdraw funds until you've reached a certain level of profitability. This means buying low and selling high can take longer than anticipated if you're only able to trade when your funds become available. If these types of issues make crypto trading unappealing or seem too risky, there's another option worth considering—investing directly into blockchain technology through initial coin offerings (ICOs) or digital token sales (also known as token generation events). With ICOs and token sales, startups create their own cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology. Investors who purchase these new tokens are often rewarded with discounts or incentives for using them within company ecosystems.

Pick a Strategy That Will Help you Sleep at Night
There are basically three approaches to buying and selling cryptocurrencies. The first is day trading: speculating on short-term price movements in an attempt to profit from buying low and selling high. While popular, day trading isn't something we're going to talk about in-depth here because it's extremely high risk. You can lose everything you invest in an hour if you make even one wrong move. Instead, we're going to focus on strategies for long-term success that are far less risky than gambling on minute-to-minute fluctuations of cryptocurrencies' prices—and much easier than trying to pick winners in highly volatile markets with no historical precedent for predicting how things will unfold. These days, crypto investors tend to have very specific expectations for their investments—for example, they might want to earn 10 percent on their money per year (or more) or at least get back what they put in within five years. These goals require a multi-pronged approach where some portion of your portfolio is devoted to each goal rather than betting all your money on a single moon shot. This way, you have multiple opportunities to strike gold. We recommend that everyone interested in cryptocurrency investing use these strategies when deciding which coins and tokens they should buy now... especially those who don't have time or interest in becoming full-time crypto traders. If you've been eyeing up new coins but haven't pulled the trigger yet, keep reading!

Look for New Opportunities, Don't Settle for Just One
There are many ways to invest in cryptocurrency, but some of them are better than others. If you have time and passion for trading on international exchanges, then you should definitely continue exploring those avenues. However, if you’re not interested in spending your free time watching and analyzing different charts (and instead prefer long periods of undisturbed thinking), there are other ways to profit from cryptocurrencies. You can sign up with Bitjob or Coinality or start writing about cryptocurrencies on popular platforms like Steemit. But no matter which way you go, remember that opportunities are out there - all you need is perseverance and creativity! Don't settle for just one option; there's always room for exploration. The world is wide open for you to make money in crypto, so don't be afraid to explore multiple options. Just make sure you learn as much as possible along the way so that when it comes time to decide what direction you want to take, it will be an informed decision based on actual facts rather than gut feelings or hype.

Let Go of Expectations and Set Realistic Goals
There’s no question that cryptocurrency is an amazing investment. It’s volatile, exciting, and offers incredible opportunities to make money. But remember: with great opportunity comes great risk. Make sure you can stomach it and set realistic expectations for yourself about what your returns will be—and when you will achieve them. Be honest with yourself about your limits and capabilities: setting unrealistic goals and having unrealistic expectations is by far one of the most common reasons why people lose money in crypto-currency. If you don’t believe in yourself, others won’t either! And if you aren’t prepared to take risks, then investing in cryptocurrencies isn’t for you. In fact, if you want guaranteed growth without taking any risks at all, then cryptocurrencies aren't for you at all. Remember: investing is very risky and there are many things that could go wrong as well as right—so do your research before diving into anything headfirst.

You too can make hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars with Bitcoin if you don’t miss the boat.

If you are new to Bitcoin the time to get in is now.

Bitcoin is a new, better form of money.

Cryptocurrencies come with proven advantages. And you need to know what they are - because you could make a fortune just by discovering what other wealthy crypto investors like me figured out a few years ago.

I’m going to tell you what those advantages are in just a moment.

All fiat currencies worldwide are valued at around $107 trillion.

This number is so big it’s hard to grasp.

That’s $107,000,000,000,000.

Compare that to Bitcoin’s current value of just over $1 trillion.

For Bitcoin to reach only 5% the size of outdated fiat currencies its price has risen to $286,527.

And for Bitcoin to replace a mere 10% of fiat currencies its price has to rise to over half a million dollars.

Of course, that doesn’t happen overnight.

Bitcoin’s rise from a few pennies to $60,000 took over 8 years.

At first, I was sure I had missed the boat with Bitcoin. I got in when I was sure it must already be too late.

But, I still made so much money... I was able to retire in my 30s and travel the world carefree with my wife for 5 full years.

Why enroll in our Crypto Quantum Leap course?

Crypto Quantum Leap is a comprehensive cryptocurrency trading course that teaches you everything you need to know about successful cryptocurrency trading. It contains step-by-step video lessons and access to our Crypto Quantum Leap chat room where you can get real-time advice on your trades. The Bitcoin value has risen from $0 in 2009 to over $20,000+ in 2017, so we feel it’s only a matter of time before other cryptocurrencies make huge gains too. At Crypto Quantum Leap, we are helping traders to get ready for that wave of opportunity by giving them all of our proprietary tips and strategies now—for free! In short: By enrolling in our Crypto Quantum Leap course, you could make more money than if you invested $100 in Bitcoin in 2009 and held onto it until today. How much money? Well, as they say...anyone who tells you they know what's going to happen in crypto tomorrow is either lying or wrong. We don't have a crystal ball but we do have years of experience using these techniques and we're confident they'll help us predict what will happen next. But hey...if you want guaranteed returns with no risk, go put your money under your mattress :) If not...if you're interested in profiting big from cryptocurrency investing then keep reading because I'm about to show you how I've helped students make millions with these exact same techniques...and soon I'll be able to help YOU do it too! (Hint: Scroll down below for my special offer).

The next time Bitcoin launches into one of its famous bull markets you can reap big profits as well.

But it’s crucial for you get to start now.

You also have to follow the right strategy to maximize your profits.
I’m sure you have a lot of questions and wonder how it all works.

That’s why I have created Crypto Quantum Leap.

A step-by-step video course that shows you how to get started with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies even if you have no clue about technology.

In this course, I’ll teach you everything you need to know in simple, easy-to-understand videos so you can follow along and profit from this historic investment opportunity.

Because your window to make a generational fortune from the adoption of cryptocurrencies is about to close.

In short, Crypto Quantum Leap teaches you everything you need to know to make big profits with cryptocurrencies even if you know nothing about technology.
A Proven Path To Becoming A Crypto Millionaire
The crypto scene is full of newbies and fake experts with dangerous advice.

This is your opportunity to learn from someone with over a decade of real-world experience.

I’ve been through many bull and bear markets. And most importantly, I’ve made enough money to retire comfortably in my thirties.

I’m giving you full access to everything I know about making a fortune with cryptocurrencies.
What would an extra few hundred thousand or even an extra few million dollars mean to you and your family?
Maybe you’d upgrade your lifestyle. Maybe you’d retire in luxury. Or maybe you’d drop everything and travel around the world as I did.
Getting into a position of financial sovereignty removes a lot of stress from your life and lets you afford luxuries you might otherwise only dream about.
How much is that worth to you? A thousand dollars? Two thousand dollars? Five thousand dollars?
Of course, the answer to this question is different for everyone.
But you should be willing to pay a great deal to learn all of this. If not, you really haven’t understood the magnitude of the shift that is about to happen.
This is simultaneously the biggest threat to your capital and the biggest opportunity to increase your wealth.
So if you’re ready to start building your own crypto fortune, there’s no time to waste. If you want truly life-changing gains, you need to get started today. Don’t wait another moment.

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