We still aren't here yet...

in crypto •  7 years ago 

Though there has been a volume surge in crypto land as of late, we are still not here yet:

Panic buying then panic selling, the ol pump and dump!

If you haven't seen, this is a scene from Trading Places.

A film where 2 mega rich guys mess with 2 people's lives for their own enjoyment.

It's a social experiment of sorts, but not so fun for the people involved.

If you haven't seen it, it's worth the watch.

The post about exchange volume spiking can be found here:


Interestingly enough trading on inside info for commodity futures trading wasn't technically illegal when this film came out, but is now. Ironic.

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Nice post 💪👍💪

Buy Pork Bellies while they're cheap!

Get in my Belly!

Austin Powers?

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Sounds fair.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
