Blockchain technology continues to develop day by day. Although Bitcoin owns 60% of the market dominance, the technology it uses is quite outdated. Because a transaction that takes place on the Bitcoin blockchain can take up to 1 hour. Its biggest rival, Ethereum, has reached 4 minutes, while advanced technology such as Ripple has reduced it to 4 seconds. In addition, many cryptocurrencies continue to create their own blockchain. Finally, Binance created his own block chain, which he called "Binance Chain."
But there are some important elements that need to be considered when building blockchains. Ripple may have a fast processing speed, but the use of a centralized storage system takes it a step back. Therefore, one of the most important features to be considered when developing blockchain is to be decentralized and transparent. To provide these features, it is necessary to take advantage of advanced protocols.
Break the chains of someone else in control, join the blockchain!
Meet Decent
Decent is an engineering marvel platform designed with advanced technology. Decent has a blockchain ecosystem called Dcore. In this ecosystem, everyone can build their own personal blockchain. Founded in 2015, this platform has many users from almost all over the world. The Dcore ecosystem wants to offer a decentralized solution to companies that want to concentrate on the media and entertainment industries and want to develop themselves. In this way, companies can create decentralized, transparent and fast blockchain network.
The Dcore ecosystem seeks to ensure that content producers, in particular, produce content freely. By eliminating censorship, it wants to create a free media that is independent of governments and other 3 party firms. Because in today's world, what is "good" or what is "bad" is determined by states and other third companies. In this way, they can use the media completely for their own benefit. Those who do not broadcast news and publish as they wish, are punished by pushing them out of the system. This means that we are facing one of the biggest problems facing the media and freedom today.
But within the Dcore ecosystem, you can have the opportunity to broadcast freely on a decentralized platform where your data is not stored in a single repository, completely anonymous. Dcore does this by using the DPos algorithm. Thus, Dcore wants to contribute both to the media phenomenon in the world and to the blockchain.
Because the Dcore ecosystem allows you to be anonymous and decentralized while producing content. Let's not forget that this ecosystem has open source coding.
What about the media? What other areas can the Dcore ecosystem be used for?
Dcore wants to bring freedom to the areas where freedom is most needed in the world. It is also important to note that media broadcasters can use their Dcore blockchain to develop their own DApps. Not only articles and news broadcasts, users can create different applications where they can share pictures, audio, software sharing, e-book publishing and other kinds of files.
In addition, Dcore has an advanced algorithm that can be used in the music industry. Because one of the biggest problems in the music industry is the brokers. There is no direct interaction between music listeners and music creators. Take Spotify, one of the biggest music companies in the world, for now.
Spotify uses a very old network that uses a central storage system. Spotify makes no contribution to the creation of music. However, when this application is used, it is the company that earns the most revenue. Because Spotify is a broker. It is an insecure practice that prevents users and music creators from interacting directly and exploits the efforts of music creators.
Music creators can use the Dcore blockchain to create a more secure, decentralized application. First of all, they can get rid of the brokers and keep all the profits they get. In addition, they do not require centralized repositories to store their data, which greatly reduces costs. Finally, because blockchains are used, agreements between users and music creators can be stored in smart contracts and a much more advanced security measure is taken.
Is that all that is? Other features Dcore can offer you:
1 ) Independence
: With Dcore, you can be completely independent when producing content. This includes states of independence, third parties and more. In this way, what you want to say is not blocked by anyone. You can freely communicate your thoughts and personal thoughts to other people. Maybe you've been asking yourself this way for a long time: "Am I alone in this universe?" you also find the answer to the question. When you enjoy independence, you will find that the answer to this question is absolutely "no".
2 ) Geographical and Political Reasons
: You know much more about censorship, especially if you live in the Middle East, South Africa, and Asia. In these regions, the internet and freedom of thought are constantly censored because of the reign of despot governments. Freedom of individuals is restricted and independent broadcasting is prevented. Restricted in this way, people know that they will be imprisoned when they express their thoughts and they have to shut up. Other than that, as you know, some countries want to throw crypto & blockchain users, +18 publishers and opposers out of the system. If you are a publisher living in a country that does this kind of bullying, consider joining the Dcore ecosystem!
3 )Secure, direct access to the masses
: Blockchain is secure because it uses a distributed ledger. In this way, data is not stored in a single data center, but is kept in a ledger distributed around the world. Thanks to the science of cryptography, this perfectly encrypted data is unlikely to be stolen. Therefore, the blockchain is much more secure than the usual data storage systems. In this way, you do not share the protection power of your data with anyone and you can reach it directly by mass. In this way, you can broadcast freely by eliminating the brokers. In this way, your costs will be reduced considerably and you will get the exact value of your own labor.
In today's world, there are still many obstacles to freedom. These obstacles are deliberately or unknowingly set by the state or powerful firms. However, after the blockchain technology became widespread, our world began to be liberalized to a great extent. Not only about money, but we can also transfer our data freely from one platform to another. And when we do these things, we become anonymous and untraceable. In this way, we get rid of the authorities that exploit, supervise and control us.
If you are a journalist, publisher, musician, software developer and content producer who wants to publish for free, join the Decent revolution!
If you have short but meaningful questions in your mind, here are a few excerpts from the Decent FAQ:
How do you get started? Do i need an account?
Yes, you need an account. You can use CLI Wallet if you know an existing member to help you.
Otherwise, please, create your account for free by visiting web-based wallet Web Wallet and follow the sign-in wizard.
What information is stored in the blockchain database?
Only token transactions, custom operation transactions, and content transactions (metadata) are stored in the blockchain database.
Who owns/runs the network?
The community, but everyone can run their own blockchain on DCore, which is easy to use and build on.
Who is the community (sounds pretty vague)?
Not vague, just inclusive. Virtually and practically, anyone with interest can join the community and contribute. Miners, seeders, holders, community groups, and so on.
How does the DECENT foundation regulate the network?
DECENT publishes code/binaries and network updates to GitHub. Any real implementations must gain sufficient votes from miners prior to merging.
For more information please visit

Author: Nuxxorcoin
Telegram: @nuxxorcoin
ETH address: 0x30Da745c024923B55f3a73E530e18382eF2130eB