The news of the day.
The version of the Ethereum blockchain, which developers use to test an upcoming update, the network was under a spam attack. It is reported by CoinDesk.
As noted, failures in the network Ropsten started when you are testing new software that the developers of Ethereum plan to activate during the upcoming hard forks under the name of Byzantium. At the same time, they claim that attackers are unlikely to affect the timing of the activation of the hard forks and serious reasons for concern.
The spam attack has pushed developers to move into a more secure network Rinkeby, where, however, the full testing of the updates is not possible. According to the developer of Raiden Lefteris Karapetsas, network Ropsten is the closest analogue of the main Ethereum blockchain.
Also the edition notes that the attackers filled the Ropsten network thousands of auto-generated spam transactions. The last such attack happened in March, and then the Ethereum team was forced to rewrite a test version of the blockchain.
To resist the attacks succeeded due to the increase in value of transactions, however, such a step negatively affected the possibilities for further testing. Subsequently, the developers were forced for a time to postpone operate testatom Ropsten.
“It brought us a lot of inconvenience and distract from the work,” commented the developer of Ethereum Casey Detrio, expressing confidence that the date is hard forks will not survive.
In General, developers do not quite understand the reasons for the attacks on the test network where currency is used, no value.
“I think they just get pleasure from it”, — concluded Detrio.
Ropsten is one of the three test versions of Ethereum to check for updates. One of its features is that Ropsten supports two main customer Ethereum: Geth and Parity. In addition, it is unique in that it is able to fully emulate the algorithm of consensus Proof-of-Work
该版本的复仇块链,将其开发用来测试一个即将到来的更新,网络是在一个垃圾邮件的袭击。 据报道通过CoinDesk的。
正如所指出的,失败的网络Ropsten开始的时候你正在测试新的软件开发人员的复仇计划活在即将到来的难福克斯名下的拜占庭。 同时,他们声称,攻击者是不可能的影响的定时激活难叉和严重的理由令人关切。
垃圾邮件的袭击已经推动开发人员要进入一个更安全网络Rinkeby,在那里,但是,全面测试更新,是不可能的。 根据所开发的雷电拉夫特里斯Karapetsas、网络Ropsten是最近的模拟的主要复仇块链的。
也版注意到,攻击者填补了Ropsten网络成千上万的自动产生的垃圾邮件交易。 最后一个这样的攻击发生在三月份,然后在复仇队被迫改写一个测试版本的区块链的。
抵抗攻击的成功,由于增加价值的交易,然而,这一步骤产生负面影响的可能性进行进一步的测试。 随后,开发商被迫的时间推迟运作testatom Ropsten的。
Ropsten是一个测试版本的复仇检查更新。 它的特点之一是,Ropsten支持两个主要客户的复仇:Geth和平等。 此外,它是唯一在于,它能够充分模拟算法的共识,证明工作
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