The Best Chinese

in crypto •  7 years ago  (edited)

Peking, it's the best spot

I love the best Chinese, whether it's from the cryptocurrency, NEO, or the food at Peking in Westminster. They have the best fried rice and the best beef rolls. Enjoyed this with my crypto friend, Jay.

We discussed about how the dip this week was very brief. Our portfolio has returned to the same value as lask week's numbers. This roller coaster has reminded me that HODL does work, except for shitcoins. It's always nice to enjoy good laughs with Jay regarding our long term positions.

My dad said he received the flu this week. I hope he recovers soon.



On Bitcoin & Cryptos

Still tempted to FOMO for a Tela Model 3, but I will HODL longer until Teslas are more accessible.

My Bitcoins are at a record high today! This dip was VERY worthwhile.

From what I realize, 40% corrections are normal. Regardless, having more Bitcoins will result in losing more at corrections as well. The correct psychology is to HODL while everybody else sells or buy in as others sell.

Good day, HODL GANG

Follow me @kevbot for my life journey, this channel is meant to be my journal of thoughts on crypto, working, and life:)


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About Bitcoin You've posted this important one. Thank you very much for your recipe Chinese like yours.

thank u so much

good food good health

Excellent update bitcoin, very nice food, thanks for sharing

Nice and delicious food to enjoy and i hope your dad recovers in quick speed :)

haha that's quite humour Chinese is always good even in crypto lol :D hold gang ruling the streets

hodl does work just enjoy life and set goals in crypto ;)

reat post i just upvoted check out my new post steemitalltheway

beautiful post , i love it .
thanks for sharing
please check my profile

Good rice and good health. Thanks for sharing nice post. Upvote now done @kevbot

Good day, HODL GANG gucci gang lol :D

I don’t think I’ve ever had bad Chinese food, it’s all good to me! Sorry to hear about your dad, the flu is really bad this year 😷

i dont particularly enjoy panda express!

Just sometimes when I want something real dirty :)

Panda Express is all right to me, but I don't like to go there because it always seems way overpriced.... I much prefer Chinese buffets because I like to eat a lot :P

It is becoming more and more appreciable for me to hodl as time is passing by !Hope this becomes a habit and I do not panic ;)
& by the way the food looks delicious !

looking very delicious, also mine faviourit chinese rice.
Have a good day!

keep enjoying the food. and you illness should be taken care of