Understanding The Bitcoin Movement

in crypto •  6 years ago 

When bitcoin was enjoying a buying frenzy and surging parabolically,
Wall Street “experts” were singing its praises.

Now with bitcoin a dead zone and testing its lows for the year,
those same experts are predicting its demise.

Just this week, we found two strident Bitcoin eulogies.

One refers to the “mother of all bubbles.”

The other says that there’s no future in crypto.

Neither mentions that both the market and the market analysts
are subject to the same cyclical pattern that repeats itself regularly:

Bitcoin enjoys a massive bull market, culminating in a frenzied parabolic
surge of speculation — the period we call “the climax.”

It comes crashing down as speculators beat a panicky retreat.

It consolidates for months, creating a dead zone of sideways
action or further decline, from which only the diehard survive.

And it launches a new bull market, repeating the cycle,
again culminating in a blast-off climax.

But here’s the key:

In Cryptocurrencies, Each New Cycle Peak Is
Dramatically Higher Than the Previous
The story begins in September of 2010, just eight years ago, when
Bitcoin was trading at close to six cents.

Today, this same asset is trading at around $7,000 per token,
a return of over eleven million percent.

No, the path from a half dozen cents to thousands of dollars isn’t easy.

Nor is it a straight line.

But that’s the whole point: It happens in a cyclical pattern
and that cycle is ultimately predictable.

Bull cycle No. 1: September 2010 to June 2011

Bitcoin begins the cycle with a powerful but non-parabolic rise —
from six cents to 80 cents by April 2011.

Until this point, the rise is driven mostly by Bitcoin users
and long-term investors that understand the technology
and share the vision of its founder.

Then, suddenly, average investors begin to pile on.

But the market is still minuscule, extremely illiquid and unable to accommodate crowds.

So prices go ballistic: Bitcoin literally blasts off to the stratosphere,
surging from 80 cents to a high of $36. (See blue-highlighted are of chart.)

The crash follows immediately thereafter, as Bitcoin plunges by 93 percent!

Much like today, naysayers re-emerge, ranting about the “a failed experiment,”

raving about “the death of Bitcoin.”

But it never trades below $2. So …

Even at the ultimate bottom of the crash, investors who bought at the beginning of the
bull market cycle sit on gains of 38 times their original investment.

Bull cycle No. 2: October 2011 to April 2013

Like in the prior bull cycle,

Bitcoin enjoys a very solid run from its $2 low to about the $10 level, up five-fold.

Long-term buy-and-hold investors (nicknamed the “HODLers”),
who bought early in the prior cycle, are delighted.

But anyone who joined the prior cycle during the frantic run-up to $35 is still frustrated.

The frenzy returns in early January.

The king of cryptos breaks out above $13 and starts accelerating to the upside once again,
exploding to a nosebleed bubble high of $260 in April 2013.

Total rise from bottom to peak: About 13,000 percent!

But again, the overwhelming bulk of the move is jammed into just two short months,
from February 2013 to April 2013.

The bust strikes with even greater equal fury.

In less than a week, Bitcoin is back down to $50 by April 15 — an instant 80 percent crash!

And as usual, the “Bitcoin-is-dead” crowd
dominates the headlines.

But as in the prior bull run …

Even at rock bottom, anyone who bought near the beginning of this cycle is
sitting on an asset worth 5 times their original investment.

Bull cycle No. 3: April 2013 to December 2013

As before, the recovery from the April low of $50 is initially slow,
reaching the $100 level by Oct. 1, 2013.

And as before, it’s the last two months that deliver the giant price explosion —
to $1,160 by December, a surge of 1,160 percent!

Irrational exuberance infects not only average investors,
but also the media, which sings the praises of crypto …

until, that is, the next bust strikes, ushering in
Bitcoin’s longest bull market to date:

From its $1,160 high made in December 2013, Bitcoin
plunges to a low of $150 by January 2015, an 87 percent decline.

The bear market is so long and so deep, Bitcoin evangelist
Andreas Antonopoulos says he’s worried about the future of crypto.

But as before …

Even at the bottom, investors who bought at the beginning of the
cycle still have tripled their original investment.

Moreover, this point is also the beginning of the greatest Bitcoin
bull market of all time …

Bull cycle No. 4: January 2015 to December 2017

It takes Bitcoin a couple of years to recover from its great bear
market of 2014.

Then, the big action begins in 2017, as Bitcoin launches a solid
move from roughly $1,000 to about $5,000 in October.

As in the three previous cycles, however, it’s not until the last two months of the
bull run that the public jumps in with both feet.

Prices rise like a rocket.

Bitcoin surges to its high of nearly $20,000 by December.

And of course, the crash inevitably follows, taking Bitcoin down to
$5,800 on February 6, 2018, a 70 percent decline.

Many analysts, not personally familiar with the prior bull cycles,
argue as if this is somehow “a new phenomenon.”

But as you’ve clearly seen, it’s anything but.

It’s déjà vu. And for the third time!

The Next Bull Cycle Still in the Making
If history is any guide …

The first few months of the next bull cycle could be slow and choppy. Don’t expect prices to explode suddenly. But this will be the ideal time to invest.
The core of the bull market will be solid but not parabolic. A good time to add steadily to your holdings.
It’s not until the final blow-off phase that you will see Bitcoin make new all-time highs and rise parabolically. Time to take most of your money off the table in phases.
The next crash is bound to wipe out at least half of the gains. But as before, early investors will still come out ahead. Even those who just HODL should be sitting on some fat profits.
Three Major Changes in the Bitcoin Bull Cycles
Some analysts may think the ups and downs in Bitcoin are
just an endless merry-go-round.

But the fact is, with each bull cycle, the cryptocurrency markets are also
evolving and making progress toward a more mature phase,
ushering in three major changes.

Change No. 1: Bitcoin is no longer alone
With each cycle, especially the most recent one, a wide variety of new cryptocurrencies
have been introduced, several with far more advanced technology and use-cases.

We’ve seen the introduction of Ethereum and smart contracts …

the emergence of Ripple, Stellar, NEO, EOS and Cardano …

and soon, the Hedera Hashgraph.

Change No. 2: Trading volume and liquidity have improved
Consequently, the climactic phase (the last two months) of the bull cycle is
becoming relatively less extreme.

In the climax of the first bull cycle (ending June 2011), Bitcoin shot up 4,500 percent.
In the climax of second bull market cycle (ending April 2013), the rise was 1,300 percent.
In the climax of the third cycle (ending December 2013), prices increased 1,160 percent.
And in the climax of the fourth cycle (through December 2017), Bitcoin surged by 400 percent.
Change No. 3: Adoption and infrastructure have steadily grown
Before 2010, all trading was over the counter. In 2013, only one exchange existed.

And in 2014, the biggest exchange, Mt. Gox, failed.

But the consequence was the birth of dozens of new, more secure exchanges.

And today, there are 206 operating exchanges, according to Coinmarketcap.com.

Stepping back from the trees, it’s clear that the best days of
cryptocurrencies are yet to come.

From a fundamental standpoint, engagement in cryptocurrencies has never been greater.

The infrastructure and underlying technology are in the best state that they’ve ever been.

In the long term, there’s only one way to go from here: Onward and upward.



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